Chapter 4324 has no return

Ye Jian, who was in the dark, stared at the mining car far away, his eyes slightly tightened.

There are six people coming over, and there is a mine car going out. Is this going to bring six people into the mine? Toolbox? Check the toolbox for special materials?

“The six people got on the train again and the car drove into the mining area.”

The voice of the peacekeepers was just around the corner, and a cold voice followed. “Follow the latest six people, we arrived in five minutes.”

It is the voice of Xia Jinjin.

They have arrived and walked closer to the mine.

The arrival of the special forces of the Snowy Brigade suddenly eased the tense rescue atmosphere. They sneaked into the mining area quite quickly. The two jeep cars entering the mining area were still shaking, and several black lanes had sneaked into the mining area from the cut-off grid.

The shadow is as flexible as the Bobcats. The last second is still here. The next second disappears and has already swept to another place. The speed is so fast that the water ghosts are amazed.

It is worthy of being an ace, and you can see the true chapter.

The jeep stopped and six western whites took the umbrella down. At the same time, four armed bullets and strong bodyguards came down to protect the six.

An armed militant reached out and shook hands with a Western white man, then exchanged a few words, and everyone jumped onto the railcar and drove deep into the mine.

The militants shaking hands jumped into the car and bowed down to tell a subordinate of their own. Then, the water ghosts who were secretly observed clearly felt more vigilant. A group of twelve people ran to the direction of the mine.

“The six people who came here were afraid that they were really told by the Jade Bird.”

Daxie said low, the voice was smothered. “They are only really coming to detect the materials in the mining area, so that they can learn how the Chinese side will extract the special materials that will be used.”

“The arrival of the six is ​​not for the individual, the devil, they come on behalf of a certain country.”

“A certain country? Some countries are not necessarily. There are more than one Western countries that do not want China to rise.” Xia Jinyuan, who was sharply scraped to the elbow, smiled coolly, and the murderousness in his eyes was thick and dark.” Brothers, we have to let them go without a return.”

“Devil King, when you are responsible for taking the hostages out, the things in the mining area will be handed over to me. The above orders the Ministry, all the equipment that was not transferred in time was destroyed.”

“We have C4 and grenades, and it is no problem to blow the entire mine into a flat.”

Li Lannian still doesn’t know how well the equipment of the special forces of the Snowy Brigade is. His sight is looking in the direction pointed by Ye Jian. He said that he looked at the “red dangerous goods, no fireworks” eight red characters. Hooking at the corner of the mouth, “You have C4, we also have bombs.”

“The bombing hole has to be several times the power of C4. It is a detonator that is itself a mountain mining, and its power is even greater.”

Ye Jian has already begun to act. She is hiding with the scouts of the algae, the destination: a gunpowder library with dangerous slogans.

Why do you know that it is a powder magazine?

The eight big reds are also written with three small characters of “gunpowder library”.

Ye Jian went to the gunpowder warehouse, Xia Jinyuan began to retreat, he stared at two trucks, arranged two players to touch the truck, and when they retreated, they were able to drive out.

The heavy weight of E6, he is eyeing the mine exit, specifically used to deal with the six white people who came to the spot. If six white people are settled in the mine, they will shoot and attack as long as they look at the enemy.

The two peacekeepers did not let them continue to hide a place, told them to touch the power supply room, waiting for orders to destroy the power supply equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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