Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4325 - Revolt (double monthly ticket continues to 哟)

Chapter 4225 Revolt (double monthly ticket continues to 哟)

Entering the mining area, Xia Jinyuan completed the entire operational deployment as quickly as possible, with no delay in one second.

Upon receiving the task of rescue the hostages, Xia Jinyuan made countless operational arrangements based on the electronic drawings provided by the mining area.

Later, I learned that the water ghosts were equipped with a rifle. He immediately overthrew the first three sets of combat plans. The final redesigned operational plan also included the deployment of the water ghosts in the storm storm commando and how they should be deployed.

Now it’s good, the water ghosts are stable, and there are still many whistle in the place where the mine passes. The weapons in the hands of each sentry are clearly understood. Now the two teams have 31 People, plus two peacekeepers who destroyed the equipment, and eight peacekeeping soldiers outside, there are a total of forty-one people, and the manpower is good enough!

There are long-range heavy fire suppression players in the two teams. There are snipers, assaulters, blasters, and communications security communications. It can be said that there is nothing to do. Xia Jinyuan, who completed the deployment of the war, began to gear up.

Immediately after his deployment, he took the assaulter and Li Wei, and Ye Jian had already turned into the gunpowder warehouse. The originally locked door was hooked with a broken iron lock, and the algae outside was responsible for the warning.

In the night vision goggles, Ye Jian picked up a detonator that was ready to be used. He only used the detonator on the field. The sound of the shallow voice came to the ears of every comrade. “The detonator is enough. It is all civilian TNT electric detonator, wire, detonating equipment. Yes, it is not a problem to flatten the entire mine.”

So much, the entire mountain collapse is not a problem.

Such dangerous goods, when the Chinese employees transferred the equipment, they did not transfer together, which made it convenient for them.

It is not that the Chinese company has not transferred, but that the detonator and the human life are not important at all, and there is no movement.

In addition, they are also afraid that when the mine is in trouble, it will not be convenient for outsiders. Therefore, all the detonators that were prepared to use another hill will be moved into the library, and it will happen.

Xia Jinyuan laughed lowly and said: “Look at how many kilograms you can carry out, don’t be too greedy, move out enough to blow up the mine hole.”

The mining that was sent over is definitely a military industrial enterprise. Putting such a large amount, it is estimated that it is necessary to make the mine flat.

Military enterprises are often more sensitive to crises than private companies, and they are not soft when they give up.

Ye Jian also wants to point out more, but Xia Jinyuan reminds that as long as it is enough, she will only carry out enough.

However, in order to be on the safe side, she destroyed all four other detonators, and she brought out two, one and one spare.

Just after the two teams were closely deployed, they only sneaked into the mine hole, but there was an accident in the cafeteria.

The gunshots suddenly sounded, even if the canteen was several hundred meters away from the location of the two teams, the gunshots that were continuously shot out were still clear.

“Your Majesty, Blue Bird!”

Xia Jinyuan, who deliberately went to the explosives warehouse to find out, found several illegal militants rushing out and immediately whispered to remind Ye Jian.

The gunshots alerted the illegal militants who controlled the mine and mobilized the personnel to go to the canteen.

There were ten militants in the cafeteria guarding the head and slamming their heads. It was clear that the Libyan employees who would not come to rescue their government forces once again launched a rebellion. This time it was not a few people but everyone.

Ten militants fired at the same time, sweeping down a Libyan employee, and then they were still alive, and Libyan employees with fellow blood were thrown down.

I just scared my sweat, and I almost updated my hand quickly. Fortunately, when I was at a critical time, I stopped, hahaha.

There were only two in the early morning. In the evening, I attended a parent-child exchange meeting held by the School of Children, and the psychologist from Beijing gave a lecture. However, I found that… there is not much use.

From 7:00 to 9:00, sit down and have a backache.

(End of this chapter)

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