Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4327 - Go and take you to fight

Chapter 4327, go and take you to fight

There is no time to say a few words of warm heart, now time is life for them!

After all, Xia Jinyuan’s hand holding Ye Jian’s hand was released, and they reunited and even held hands for only a few seconds.

“Our employees are waiting for us to save them. Your task is to rescue them! I don’t understand!” Li Lannian knew what his team members had experienced at the moment, and he had experienced it.

This is growth, going through the battlefield, passing through life and death, and thoroughly understanding the psychological process of how heavy the military command is.

It is also the threshold they must pass.

At the moment of going abroad, they are no longer around training, no longer carrying out their tasks in their homeland. Later, they will have more tasks to go abroad to perform high-risk, confidential, and desperate tasks.

Brothers, this is the growth of a professional soldier!

The water ghosts who were sore and painful in the internal organs were so painful that they felt like they had to pull out from the chest with their roots. The heart that jumped faster because of indignation was burning, but because of the summer and the present. The words gradually burned to blaze.

The Chinese soldiers who kept an eye on the periphery heard the gunshots. They thought that they were exposed to the Chinese soldiers who had taken the hostages to rescue the hostages. When they received the news, they realized that the Libyan employees who were in the canteen had risen to resist.

At that moment, the peacekeepers who were watching outside were all tolerant to the tiger, and a steel tooth was about to bite and break.

The Libyan people who are brave in rebellion in a lonely country are the hope of this country. They will fight for freedom and will work hard for living!

Even if this country is already riddled with grief, there are such a group of people who rise up for freedom and hope. The future has always been, and the Libyan people have never been abandoned.

The gunshots became dense, and the special forces of the two special forces heard the murderousness in their eyes. The water monsters of the storm commando approached the mine, and Xia Jinyuan and Li Lannian issued orders at almost the same time.

“Destroy power equipment!”

The calm voice came with murderousness, and the two peacekeeping soldiers received an order to pull down the main power supply valve and then destroy the entire power supply equipment.

The entire mining area instantly fell into darkness, and the mines that lost photos became a bit confusing. The sentinels guarding the mines also had a short distraction. The water ghosts of the storm commando team distracted them. They didn’t have night vision equipment, like the wind. Generally “scraping” into the mine.

The storm commando team has been in action, and the special forces of the Snowy Brigade have found their position in accordance with the previous operational deployment. Countless black shadows are waiting to wait for a fierce battle.

Because of the fast shooting speed, Jane did not enter the mine. Xia Jinyuan solved the six grenade and handed it to her. “It will be a fierce battle. Take a few grenade defenses! Detonator will give me! Wait for me to mine, you are alert! Don’t leave me. Too far, understand no!”

After listening to the arrangement, Ye Jian took over the grenade and handed over the detonator. Ye Jian was whispered, “You don’t want to be jealous of me, you have to be careful.”

The helmet suddenly picked up a little, and a soft kiss fell on the side of the lip. It was light and light, but it was lightly touched and he had already raised his head.

“Nothing will happen, I promised you. Go, Bluebird, the captain will take you to fight!”

The growing female soldier closely followed the mature and calm, backed by the mountain-like male soldiers, she did not blindly follow, but with a gun, alert him, and guarded for himself.

She has grown up, and she has been able to bring her back to her in the hands of her.

(End of this chapter)

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