Chapter 4328, we are together

The more than sixty Libyan employees who resisted brought great trouble to the illegal militants. The ten rifles that were snatched in the canteen were all AK rifles. The targets were directly penetrated, and they were not dead.

The chaos created is very big. The most important Libyan employees are very familiar with the entire mining area. The sudden destruction of power equipment makes it easier for them to escape.

Some people are easy to escape from the entrance and exit, and they have not escaped. Instead, they were killed by illegal militants.

Instead, the Libyan employees who fled to the mining area found hidden spots, some of which were no longer easy to hide, and those who had guns in their hands did not break the guns.

In the chaos, Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan both entered the mine at the same time, and the figures of the two men continued to run until they reached a fork.

One pass to the left and one to the right. According to the drawings provided by the Chinese mining company, the waste hole to the left is more than 140 meters deep. To the right is the mine that has been mined in the past two months, similar to the domestic coal mine. hole.

In addition to a mine car track that transports ore from the mine, there are various metal pipes of different sizes on one side, some are copper pipes, and the other side is a normal aisle, which is paved on both sides for prevention. The gravel fell to the wounded gold steel net, and entered the right side of the mine, Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan, and they also found a construction vehicle carrying materials.

The engineering vehicle is a special vehicle designed for deep transport of mines. The entire body is long, but the height is very short, like a flattened truck.

There is also a huge black pipe above the top of the head. It is mainly used to discharge air. For deep oxygen supply, the alert leaf Jane looks up and sees the body of an illegal armed militant that has been solved lying across the pipe.

This is the first guy to enter the storm commando team to solve the problem.

The channel is very quiet. The water ghosts who went deep into the mine to find Chinese employees have not heard the news yet, and the situation outside is temporarily unknown.

The special forces of the snowy brigade prepared outside are silent, which means everything is normal, no need to worry.

The resistance of Libyan employees has attracted the attention of illegal militants. Until now, there is no awareness that Chinese soldiers have sneaked into the mining area and entered the depths of the mine.

Xia Jinyuan began to mine, he directly placed the detonator to the top of the black oxygen supply pipeline, from the depth of 10 meters into the right side of the mine, and finally the metal line used to detonate the detonator has been extended to the outside.

In the ear, Mai came to Li’s voice of indifference, breaking the silence in the public channel. “All the hostages were found, and they were ready to support, and they fought in five minutes. Right!”

“Roger that!”



The latest news made the special forces who participated in the rescue look darker and thicker. The Chinese peacekeepers who received the outside immediately sent the news back to the Chinese peacekeeping camp in the city of Yemen.

At this time, the Chinese side of the Nyeriville camp was being attacked by illegal militants. It was extremely arrogant to use a loudspeaker to greet the Chinese peacekeepers and asked the Chinese peacekeepers to roll out of the city.

It is a “roll” that is full of humiliation, and even “evacuation” is saved by them.

Zhu Rongzhong, who received the latest news from the mining area, contacted the country in the gunshots. Twelve Chinese employees were all found and are now ready to evacuate.

Just wishing the Lieutenant Colonel and the domestic contact, the **** battle in the mining area has been opened.

Twelve employees were all shot in the mine. The Chinese responsible person did not cooperate with the illegal militants, shot in the thigh, and the entire knee exploded. The shooting time has exceeded two hours.

(End of this chapter)

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