Chapter 4329 is brave and has a plan

In order to prevent the Chinese responsible person who is still useful to them from dying, the illegal militants immediately smashed his knees and stopped bleeding until six Western white men came.

The Chinese leader who had lost too much blood was dragged to one of the whites, and the Western white man wanted to ask something. The entire mine suddenly lost power, including the depth of the mine.

The mines that lost their lighting suddenly fell into darkness. Two illegal militants who stood guards ran out to check the situation, and the “water ghosts” who were oncoming were not able to solve the problem.

The water ghosts of the storm commando came in and heard that the Chinese militants were not threatened because the Chinese leaders did not cooperate.

There is a reserve power supply in the mine, and the special forces who heard the sound and clung to the side channel action first found the electric box according to the drawings, and waited until the members of the demon group with the assault group could see the Chinese employees and quickly hide them in the combat position. The electric well box responsible for the spare power supply of the mine is destroyed…

“What are you doing!”

The last trace of light disappeared, and the guy who threatened the Chinese leader was yelling outside the mine. At the same time, there were countless bullets in the darkness.

The six Western whites who had not yet started working in the mines had a glimpse, and then the six men almost simultaneously took out their own pistols at the same time, aiming at the darkness.

The mine is too deep and too dark, and even if someone stands on the distance that can feel the sound of breathing, there is no way to see the other person’s face.

The special forces outside heard the rhythmic buzzing wheat from the earphones. From the beginning of “one”, I heard that the “three” was under the pressure of Miri.

After listening to the three buckwheats, Xia Jinyuan was low and drank, “Action!”

Li Lannian gestured up and down, dozens of black shadows rushed out, the first solution was to point the gun at the Chinese staff.

The Chinese employees are squatting, and the illegal militants are standing. This time it is not assassination, but shooting. The 95 rifle was directly fired, and a shuttle bullet “砰砰砰” hit it out, and the muzzle was covered with flames.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, All Your Majesty!”

Li Lannian used Chinese to swear, and the tight Chinese staff was first screamed by the gunshots, “ah” screaming, thinking that the bullets were shot on them, and the result was that some people used Chinese to squat “Kneeling, all kneeling” The desire to survive allows them to make the quickest response, and directly to the front, the whole person will not move to the ground.


The gunshots were especially irritating, and all the water ghosts shot all the bullets at them, and they were divided into targets under the guns in advance, and even six Western whites were not missed.

The bullet hit the target, the target character slammed down, and a stray bullet hit the machine used to open the ore. The impact of the metal continued, and Mars was shining.

The shooting water ghosts were pre-emptive, and the first round of the scan was over. Nearly 20 illegal militants were almost killed.

Including the guy who took the gun in the first few seconds and threatened the Chinese leader loudly, he was the first headshot of Li Lannian, and the guy whose brain was labeled as a watermelon scoop did not even fall for the first time.

Although the power outage caused the illegal militants holding the gun to catch the bullets in advance, the water ghosts kept them in a hurry. They did not have the opportunity to shoot these guys. They continued to sweep all the way and directly suppressed the fire and no longer had the chance to shoot.

“Go and walk, tighten your hands and walk with us!”

I started to retreat.

I didn’t update it in the early morning, because I was dissatisfied with the operation of writing 2,000 words. I was dissatisfied with the two times. I was completely angry. I read the book of World War II today. After I thought about it again, I started to write. .

These two thousand are in the early morning, and there are three chapters in the evening. In the early morning, there may be three more, and it may be two.

(End of this chapter)

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