Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4330 - Speed ​​of life and death

Chapter 4330 Life and Death Speed

Intensive gunshots sounded throughout the mine, and Xia Jinyuan and Ye Jian, both of whom were burying the two mines, had already placed their fingers on the trigger. The cold eyes were staring at the front, and the guns rushed to the front. It was killed by two people.

This is an illegal militant outside the whistle.

The illegal militants in the mining area were entangled by the special forces of the snow squad, especially in the orbit of the mine, and they were kept to death. Whoever came to support the mine, who was killed on the spot.

After two rounds, the illegal militants who wanted to come over were stunned. Some guys wanted to inform the outside and let them know that they were sneaked. As a result, the sad discovery, now their communication equipment is blocked, there is no Ways to contact outside.

The entire mining area was even more chaotic, and the peacekeepers who stayed outside did not move because they had not yet reached their time.

They are the ultimate cover retreat, and the brothers who are now entering the rescue team have not yet come out, they have to continue to squat and wait.

The Libini rainwater entering the rainy season is very abundant. The rain has not stopped from the evening of yesterday, and the rain is still “squatting”. The “啪啪” hits the leaves, and the numerous sounds intertwined will shoot the guns in the direction of the mine. They are well covered, and the blood is also washed away by the rain.

The sound of the explosion sounded, and the blast of fire rushed in, illuminating somewhere in the mining area, and there was a smell of smoke in the rain.

“Doing a group attack? Turtle grandchildren, it is convenient to annihilate once!”

Cold Ling Ling’s suffocating voice came from the public channel, and after a few seconds of the storm commando retreating Ye Jian, he saw a deafening explosion.

“Tighten, keep tight! Bend down, don’t look up! Go straight ahead!”

There is also a sound of a ghost in the headset. He and the sea anemone, seaweed, and big scorpion led a team to cover the evacuation of the Chinese staff, while the big scorpion evacuated the Chinese leader who was smashed with his right leg.

The last one responsible for the cover retreat was Li Lannian.

“Hurry up!”

“Don’t look back, just rush forward!”

The headsets are all the voices of the water ghosts, so that all the players who have received them know that the current situation in the mine is under control.

A few grenade thrown out by the special forces of the snow-capped squad outside the ammunition, directly bombing a group of at least 20 illegal militants.

One grenade was not killing enough. Three grenade shots were made at one time. The explosion sounded to the ground and the twenty targets were once put down.

Did not put it, the side of the reaction that was slightly faster to be thrown out was smashed in the shrapnel, and they did not wait for them to get up and were immediately replenished.

Assassinations and night raids are all the strengths of the special forces of the Snowy Brigade. In the face of these guys who even smashed the civilians, they killed one less.

The terrain of the mining area is complex, and there are many waste rock piles piled up in the mountains. It is difficult to ensure that several powerful illegal militants touched the waste rock piles and tried to play sneak attacks.

However, when they rushed to the mine, they carried heavy weapons such as rocket launchers and heavy machine guns, but they fell a very important thing: night vision.

The illegal militants who controlled the entire mining area probably did not expect that they would be attacked in the middle of the night, but they also touched the mining area under their control and started the fire attack from inside. Therefore, even if there were heavy weapons in hand, they could not enter the camp. Chinese soldiers perform precise shooting.

The fully equipped Chinese special forces can do it.

(End of this chapter)

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