Chapter 4322 gives you revenge


Heavy-duty large-caliber bullets broke through the air, very precise and there was no trace of a person who hit the back of the shell.

The standing black shadow fell down instantly, and he didn’t know how he hanged.

The guy who was holding the barrel saw this, and he reacted extremely quickly, and he stumbled and rolled in the opposite direction of the sniper bullet.

He knew he had been sniper and his companion was slammed by a sniper’s bullet. He himself was locked by a sniper, trying to escape, hard!

The Rocket Gunner has a keen anti-reconnaissance capability and is extremely fast. He knows that he has been locked by a sniper and he does not move after a few laps. Even if his face is splattered by a sharp waste rock, he does not move. Let the stone tip deeply penetrate the face.

This is a guy who has made countless credits in the actions of the anti-government army. He is also a guy who is eager to shoot at the civilians as he wants. Even if a child hits him, he uses his dagger to cut the child’s head and throw it. The guy who is playing.

His hands were bloody, and his heart trembled at this moment. He was not sure if he could escape from the sniper’s muzzle.

The shadow of the haze looked at the colleague who was slammed and killed. He did not care about the death of his accomplices. What he cares about is… Can you take the shells to your side?

M did not give him a chance.

Although the E6 locked the entire sniper range, the other side rolled to the other side, just blocking his sight. He wanted to change the sniper position. M told him that the living guy had handed it over to him.

“I will let him stay on the stone forever, don’t want to live and wait for the dawn.”

The eyes were so cold that M was about to fall off the ice slag. When he finished, one seemed to be licking his mouth, and the snoring sound of the hard opening followed closely. “Mom, M, help the brothers get rid of the bastard.”

The V8 is still alive. He is so fast that he turns right and rushes to the pile of rubble in the pile. It is still a step later. The windshield on the side of the cab is crushed by broken gravel and debris. The **** went all over to his left face, and the line of sight was affected for a time. Just one second before the vehicle went out of control, he pressed the brakes hard.

The result is… a head slammed into the steering wheel, and it was black in front of him, and it became very quiet around for a while, and then flew like countless bees.

He seemed to hear the voices of his comrades, and he seemed to be in a bad mood. He slammed into the chest and sighed in his chest. He couldn’t open his mouth for a while.

He did not answer immediately, and he scared his comrades.

At this moment, all the players were relieved.

Half of the soul lost T6 heard the familiar voice, the whole person was relieved, he did not open again, and pointed the gun at the enemy who fired at them.

I have successfully arrived at the entrance of the mine, and Xia Jinyuan, who is about to rush out, screams. “If you don’t die, drive the car over!”


The V8, which was not hung up, loosened the sole like a tight brake pad, and then stepped on the throttle. The truck’s “rumbling” motor sounded again and passed to the ear of the tightly armed illegal militant. .

At the moment when I heard the sound of the car’s motor, the illegal militant flashed an incredible, gloomy anger.

He thought that he had killed others, and as a result, he did not!

Nothing is more discouraged than this!

However, what made him even more discouraged was still behind, locking his M-mouth and pressing the rifle.

Update No. 5

(End of this chapter)

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