Chapter 4333 is finally crazy

Behind the cold guns, the soldiers of the Snowy Brigade are so skilled, but if they are replaced by a cold gun, they will be “hehe”.

The cold-stricken illegal militants are still wondering how to take the shells back and the M with the rifle is fired.

It’s not funny, it’s a shot to solve the problem, so as not to waste bullets.


Single-shot bullets, the tip of the bullet hit the raindrops into rain and fog, and went straight to the target’s head.

The brain, the most central part of the human nervous system, is most active in the central nervous system, and the brain is damaged and not dead, not to mention being hit by bullets.

The bullet passed through the back of the head, and then passed out from the eyebrow. The red and white bones and **** rushed out together. When it did not flow to the ground, it was washed into the waste stone gap by the rain.

People have been squatting and never have the chance to get up.

The M-tight rifle that solved the target quickly retreated from the other waste rock pile, and he had to rush to clear the scene.

When retreating, M also encountered a Libyan employee with a gun in his hand and nervously hiding in the corner. M did not alarm him and chose to avoid it.

The Libyan employees who survived are now hiding. Even if they have the guns they have taken, they are hiding because they found someone killing the **** guys one by one.

The V8 drove all the way straight into the truck and quickly entered the circle of the snow field squad, and the Chinese employees who were rescued were getting closer.

Xia Jinyuan detonated the detonator, and there was a huge explosion in the entire mountain range. The landslide was cracked and the entire mining area was shaken.


When the mine collapsed, even the whole mountain collapsed. The people inside, including the six Western whites specially sent for inspection, were buried in the mountain.

This change made the illegal militants who were still fighting with the guns stunned and finally found that things were worse than they thought.

Then think about who else in the mine, illegal militants began the last crazy attack.

“Get on the bus, get on the bus! Come on! Get on the bus!”

In the shadow of the gunfire, the water ghosts pulled all the eleven Chinese employees into the car one by one. The Chinese leader in the knee blasted the car one step earlier, and the body was covered with tarps.

Twelve Chinese employees got on the bus, and the 15 water ghosts who helped them retreat were also on the train. The rescued Chinese employees were all squatting, and the 15 water ghosts including the captain Li Lannian all squatted according to the guns. In one direction, all the way to suppress the fire directly to the gate of the mining area.

“All hostages have been successfully rescued, and now retreat! Now retreat! The front meets, the front meets!”

The password is repeated and repeated, and the truck retreats as quickly as possible.

The V8 drove, Li Xiaonian, who was in the co-pilot position, was responsible for the removal. The car rushed out of the rain screen, and the 12 Chinese employees who took the rest of the robbery rushed to the Chinese camp.

The peacekeepers who were outside were acting, and now it’s their turn to meet the hostages who have all got on the bus.

Another round of fierce battles was opened. The mines blasted the locked iron gates of the mines, and then the illegal militants who tried to resist and prevented the retreat were killed one by one. As for the Libyan employees, it is most appropriate for the Chinese peacekeepers to come forward to appease them.

Tell the living Libyan employees in blunt English, tell them to leave here immediately, stop staying, the gunfire, the living Libyan employees finally rushed out from the blown door under the cover of Chinese peacekeepers, at that moment, they know I have survived successfully.

At the most critical time, the Chinese peacekeepers stood up and let them leave alive.

(End of this chapter)

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