Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4335 - through thick and thin

Chapter 4335

The mining area collapsed, and even people buried the machine together, which means that it will become an abandoned point and will not start again.

After leaving the mine, the five-kilometer snow-capped brigade and the storm commando replaced a car, and the Chinese team was successfully rescued by the snow-capped brigade. The storm commando team changed the car to rest.

A total of four trucks were opened, and the comrades of the Snowy Brigade were divided into two dials. Together with the water ghosts, they were set aside to protect the hostages.

Ye Jane, she and the storm commando water ghosts, naturally return to the team, but … did not be converted, was dragged by Xia Jinyuan and continue to protect the Chinese employees with Xia Jinyuan.

The Chinese employees on the train looked back at the mines where they lived for almost a year. A technician cursed a low, helpless, angry, and more sigh.

A staff member next to him patted him on the shoulder and smiled. “Don’t be awkward, it’s just a nest. It’s still a long life, is it still alive?”

“One year survey, one year of mining, was destroyed overnight, hehe…” The technicians scratched their hair, wiped the rain on their faces, and grind their teeth: “I don’t know where the grandsons of the turtles came from.” The news is ruined or ruined!”

The technician is responsible for the mechanical aspects of the technology. From mechanical mining to mining, he traces the whole process, and then he extracts the resources he wants. He is a witness.

Now my efforts have been ruined because I was stared at outside, and my heart was so sad that my tears sneaked several times.

I was scared when I was hijacked, but I really didn’t have tears. At this moment… I secretly cried and my nose was stuffed.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, people are doing everything right. First ask Ding Gong’s injury, don’t know if his leg can be saved.”

The technicians took a look at the rain shelter that was temporarily taken out by the four Chinese “Vigo” soldiers, and stared at him for a while. He stared back and whispered: “It should still be processed, I will ask again. I don’t know if Ding Gong’s legs can be guaranteed.”

“Oh…” The staff sighed. Can you save it? It’s not that they have the final say. See what the military doctors say.

“A rest will be, wait for the military doctor to come out and ask.”

The Chinese employees who sat next to each other heard the words and did not whisper again. They leaned against each other, drenched in the rain, and staggered away from the rainforest.

The rescued Chinese employees did not know that they were rescued by the domestic special forces. They always thought it was a peacekeeper, and even the workers who dealt with the wounds at the same time thought so.

Ding Gong, one of the Chinese leaders responsible for the knees being blown up, is the chief technical engineer responsible for the important mechanical transfer of the entire mining area. The illegal militants did not stare at him at first, but stared at another Chinese employee. It was he who came out to tell the other person that he was the person in charge and that something was coming to him.

As a result, he smashed a bullet and was beaten by bullets on the spot. The Chinese staff saw that he had pain in his face and twitched his nerves, and he did not see him.

Asked what kind of mine the mine has opened, Dinggong said several kinds, what kind of gold, copper, manganese… I also handed over a bill of lading at any time, telling the other party that they sent a batch of manganese before the day before. Not much, about 50 kilograms.

Still afraid that the other party does not believe, even the mobile phone text messages are shown to the other party.

It is because of the cooperation of the workers, the illegal militants who hijacked them did not have too many difficulties, and asked other Chinese employees, Ding Gong said so, they all followed this direction, and finally, even they themselves believed in themselves. It only mines gold, copper and manganese.

(End of this chapter)

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