Chapter 4336 is worth

In the end, it’s not just ordinary employees. They are all regular employees in military chemical factories. Although they are not soldiers, they are also trained regularly. From the moment they are hijacked, they know that they really want to hang. I have to bite my mouth and I can’t say anything.

Really **** to say, the burden is not ordinary name!

Now, people have saved, and they have not said anything. As for the mining factory… From the Ding Gong’s production orders, they have faintly touched something.

Recalling the various types of mechanical transfer, the range of touch has expanded.

The mine will be destroyed sooner or later.

The Dinggong, who had lost too much blood and fell into a coma, was still in the process of treatment. The special vehicle of the 10km snowy brigade in the camp area was arranged to be alert, and immediately began to support the rain-proof cloth on the body of Dinggong.

They learned all the first aid on the battlefield. In order not to waste time processing the wounds, the movements were fast and rude. K7 glanced at the comrades who graved their own gauze. Finally, they explored the head and asked Ye Jian, who was in charge of the alert, to help.

At this point, Ye Jian became the assistant of K7, and cooperated with K7 to handle gunshot wounds.

Ye Jian saw the knees of Dinggong’s explosion, his eyes were already low, and the injuries were very serious. The whole knee plate was completely broken. The bullets were embedded in the bones of the calf and thigh bones. K7… there is no way to take them out. .

So unfortunately, Ye Jian felt great luck because it was not a rifle bullet hit, but a NATO pistol bullet.

K7 had no way to take out the warhead in the card bone, and the environment did not allow him to take it out. The painkiller needle played a role. When the wound was cleaned around, the worker woke up from the coma, but did not feel very painful.

He was lifted into the car before he was in a coma. When he woke up in the first sentence, he was dumb and asked if he was alive. After he got nodded by Ye Jian, he was relieved and relaxed all over his body. He said: “One leg change Eleven people are worth, value.”

K7 did not say that he might amputate, but Dinggong said it himself.

Ye Jian’s mouth whispered, whispered: “There is no step to amputation, don’t think too much.”

The comfort is a little pale.

“Nothing, life is still good.” 40-year-old Ding Gong looked very open, pulled the bleeding fork, lips white lips, smiled: “I have been to two war-torn countries, guns I saw a lot of injuries. Recently I saw that a person was blown to the half of the chest. It was the first time I saw it. I returned to the unit and I had a nightmare for half a month. Later, I saw more, and there was no How scared.”

“Alive, better than anything. Life is still there, and amputation is not a problem. For me, as long as the brain is not broken, everything is fine.”

Having said that, Ye Jian still saw the hand of Ding Gong shaking his fist and shaking.

K7, which is a cold temper, can’t say comfort words, but he found the fear of Dinggong early, his brows wrinkled a little, and he seemed to be working hard to form a few comfort words. In the end, he narrowed his lips and said only. In a word, “A lot of soldiers can’t compare with your guts.”

The four comrades who took the four corners of the rain cover and heard the words, the chin almost gave a shock.

At this time, there is no sun in the big night, and the K7, who has always been working and not talking, will comfort people.

As his comrade-in-arms, they have not received his half-sentence comfort!

Ye Jian did not know, but also felt that K7 is less, but the victory has always been streamlined.

K7 doesn’t think he is comforting the wounded. He just said the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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