Chapter 4338, he is in the spoiled

There is not much time to relax. Xia Jinyuan, who has always used his time, can’t miss the time to relax.

After two consecutive maneuvers, his iron-clad people were also somewhat unstoppable, and they urgently needed a rest and rest.

He dared to relax like this, but Ye Jian did not dare.

I can’t take care of the back of my head and still hurt. “Hurry up, I am afraid to move my hands and feet.”

Said, both hands are going to open the iron arm around his waist.

“No one is staring, everything is fine.” Xia Jinyuan will be there, even if he is surrounded by one hand, he still has enough pressure to make her, and she will not let her escape from her arms.

The sound of being soaked in smoke to some hoarseness is soft and soft, and it seems to have a thin hook. It is straight into the heart of Ye Jian’s heart, hooked, let her know that it may be discovered, but she is reluctant to Push him away.

Therefore, the hand of the arm is not used to the full force, it is more convenient for the summer school.

“Continuous maneuvering in two places, baby, let me rely on, a little tired.”

Ye Jian: “…”

Spoiled, and spoiled!

She will not be spoiled!

The spoiled Ye Jian was not stunned, no longer pulling his arm, and even the sound was soft. “Is there a pain? I feel the pain in the back of my head with my helmet.”

She was hurting with her helmet, not to mention the jaw he was hit.

The pain is a bit painful, but that is not a problem, but since the girlfriend is so concerned, Xiazhong School is very focused on the head, a little wronged: “It hurts, the chin is smashed, and the tears are almost knocked out.”

Not so serious.

Thinking that he had hit the back of his head with a helmet, Ye Jian and some uneasy raise his hand and touched it from the back of his shoulder. When his finger just touched his jaw, he heard his faint sigh, it hurts, not False pain.

“Don’t touch, it hurts.”

“It’s so bad, it’s going to be green tomorrow. You won’t hit me so badly.”

The sharp edges of the jaws are a little bit stuck, and the leaves are so distressed that the fingers don’t dare to force them, just very light and lightly touched. “Return to the camp to see if there is ice, use ice to see if it can be alleviated. Under the mud.”

In my mouth, the line of sight was very alert and went around. Fortunately, the comrades in the same car were comforting the eleven Chinese employees in the same car, especially the G3. Ye Jian looked at the unreasonable feelings and looked very strange. How to follow… Like a child.

She only distracted from the G3, and Xia Jinyuan, who was holding her behind her, looked like a positive person. She smiled and explained, “G3 is very powerful. I went home for half a month on vacation, and made a hard night toss his wife. I didn’t expect to be He tossed out a baby.”

“The scorpion was pregnant for more than two months. I originally wanted to tell us three months later. I received a message from a person who was happy. Before we set off, we told us that he was dying. He said that he had almost stopped talking for several times. come out.”

“He looks like a father at this moment, and he should enter the father in advance.”

I don’t explain Ye Jian. I only think that the G3 action is a bit weird. After listening to the explanation, the character is full of feelings.

Don’t say, it’s like the summer team said.

G3 wants to be a father, it is really a happy event.

“He is still the first one in our team. Now the veterans in our team are all unilaterally announced to be dry. I am helpless, obviously a boy, how can I be defamed?”

The front said that it was quite right, to the back… Ye simply couldn’t help but screw his thigh, and screwed it to the summer school, which was not guarded, and almost no pain.

(End of this chapter)

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