Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4339 - Image can't collapse

Chapter 4339, the image cannot collapse

Twist thigh meat!

“It hurts, hurts, and taps.”

The leaves were twisted and not loose, and the middle school was screwed up and asked for mercy. “If you don’t say anything, I will just explain it to you, nothing else.”

“Can you release your handle?”

Ye Jian, who did not stop, asked him.

“Yes, can, hold another minute and let go. You can screw it for another minute.” Between the pain and the welfare, Comrade Xia Jinyuan was very eager to choose welfare.

What is the pain?

When the soldiers are not afraid of suffering, they are not afraid of being tired and not afraid of pain!

There is pain every day, and holding a girlfriend can not be there every day.

Ye Jian is simple, funny and cheery, he is really… the more mature the skin is, the thicker it is.

In the end, he couldn’t bear to hurt him. Suddenly, the leaf said: “Don’t make trouble, take a rest. We have to go back to the town of Cowell. I don’t know if there will be an accident on the road. I will take time to rest and raise my spirit. ”

There was a lot of crying around, and they were all big men. They suddenly poked in tears and couldn’t help but smash their throats. When the tears flowed, the fear was coming out, and where can continue. Grab the hand of the peacekeeper who saved them.

Songs open, another apologize, thank you, let the special forces of the Snowy Brigade feel awkward for a while, the surface has to be cold, said they did what they should do.

Ye Jian couldn’t help but smile and laughed back and forth.

Her comrade-in-arms, very powerful, but also very cute!

The Chinese staff, who had completely loosened their body and mind, gradually calmed down. When they closed their eyes, they slept with the vehicle and slept, the rain was falling, the clothes drenched and did not stop their drowsiness, and there were a group of Chinese soldiers who could not save their lives. Guardian, they can sleep peacefully.

The special forces in continuous action were extremely tired at this time. When the Chinese employees all fell asleep, the lovely comrades in Ye Jian’s eyes dared to have some paralyzed long legs and long hands.

Standing like a pine, walking like a wind, sitting like a bell… In front of the common people, the image of the military can not collapse!

Now the people are sleeping, and everyone is long and relaxed.

“Mom, it’s more tired than running ten kilometers.” T6 said with a low arm. “I have a shirt on my side. I don’t know how many pounds of tears I have. I cried when I cried. I didn’t expect a big man.” They are so scared to cry.”

Isn’t it, really crying to them dumbfounded, I don’t know how to comfort at all, a girl’s family flutters in their arms, cough, said that they can still accept, a large lord grabbed their hands and picked up their throats to cry, that scene… In retrospect, I couldn’t help but tremble.

“Understand, understand a little, the rest of the life is full of emotions, and it will be fine after crying.” G3 smiled and said that the face of the father and the father let the comrades can not bear to look straight.

After the early release of the leaf, Zhang Jianzheng, Xia Jinyuan and other comrades-in-arms said, he said in a hurry: “The two take turns alert, the rest rest, there is still something to sweep back, and the spirit is enough.”


Answering in unison, without the arrangement of Xia Jinjin, the comrades arranged a warning and quickly fell asleep with a gun.

There is no arrangement for leaf slips. Like this, as long as the personnel are alert, the male soldiers usually do not arrange Ye Jian, the female soldiers. When they can take care, they must take care of them.

Ye Jian was indeed tired. She did not quit, and she was going to sleep on the wet and ice compartment. The comrade Xia Jinyuan patted him on the shoulder and smiled. “Pillow here, otherwise, I have no place to rely on.”

(End of this chapter)

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