Chapter 4341 sigh

With such a clean sky, it is difficult to see that this land has been destroyed by war.

Looking at the sky, Ye Jian’s eyebrows stretched slightly and enjoyed the hard-won peace in this war.

“Today is a sunny day.”

Xia Jinyuan, who came over, looked at the sky together. He heard the footsteps and turned back to Jane. He smiled at him: “Well, it’s a sunny day, the sky is beautiful, so it’s very quiet.”

“The sky in Libya has always been beautiful, especially on a sunny morning. Today, the sun will come out one day, and when you sit in the car for a day, you can dry your clothes.”

It is true that clothes can be dried, and Xia Jinyuan does not say much. The human body drying is too common, and it is not worth mentioning.

Seeing that her camouflage uniform was a bit sloppy, she naturally reached out to finish the leaf.

There was a lot of water in the clothes. He also twisted it by the way. He sighed and said: “You are so simple that I can’t bear to say it. I’ll talk back to the demon and let him apply to it.”

Ye simply pulled his tactical vest, sucked water, and was a bit heavy, but could not take off. Looking at the man who looked at himself neatly, the black eyes reflected the blue sky like a washed sky, like the translucent glass, the water wave only sees the figure of Xia Jinjin.

He looked down, she looked up, naturally can see a slight change in her eyes and face, her eyes can only accommodate his figure, it seems that no longer allow everything, let Xia Jinyuan, who had no movement in his hand, swayed down, and his heart was wrapped in honey.

The thin lips bent slightly, restrained and wanted to kiss, and tried to turn their attention away.

“Now they have opened their heads, and there will be more such things in the future. The equipment is too rudimentary. Yesterday, the devil and I said that your equipment only has a 95 rifle. I thought that you would go to the mining area, all holding Are you determined to go to death?”

Referring to this matter, Xia Jinyuan’s attention shifted by a second, and Jun Yanli was already cold.

Ye Jian has performed several foreign operations, and it is indeed much more complete than the combat equipment of this storm commando.

However, their mission was different. They could only go lightly. When they saw his expression stretched to the jaw of his own green last night, he explained: “The task we received this time requires all light and loaded. Departed and left and temporarily turned back to rescue the Chinese staff, so the equipment did not keep up.”

“But you can talk to my older brother, equipment can’t fall behind, you have to get it right.”

She also saw that the equipment of the storm commando was much worse than that of the snowy brigade. If the summer team said that the water ghosts would often perform tasks on the outside, then the equipment must be kept up.

Seeing that his dress is also a bit messy, the tactical vest is also awkward, and Ye Jian said that he is neatly tidy for him.

It is normal for the comrades to dress neatly together. Even if they are seen, they will not think much. Ye Jian is very natural and neat, and Xia Jinyuan still has a slight neck to facilitate her neatness.

“The domestic equipment is still a bit simplistic. Everything is still progressing. Step by step. On one day, the whole army popularizes the top equipment like the special forces of the snowy brigade. The national strength and the military do not know how many files to upgrade.”

The leaflet that spoke gave him a collar, and he was equipped with the body, and then patted his shoulders. Nice, very handsome male soldier. That is… the chin in the lap is a bit of an eye-opening.

That collision last night, I really hit his chin.

(End of this chapter)

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