Chapter 4432 blows me

The topic of equipment has not been further discussed, and it will be far from talking.

The two squeezed the time and came out to talk alone. These are not problems that will be solved in a moment and a half. Let me talk about the two people.

Finally, Xia Jinyuan patted Ye Jian’s head lightly and sighed: “Hey, let’s fight with us later, and let you go far, I’m not at ease.”

“I hated not being able to fly directly to the plane last night, but I also greeted the 18th generation of the ancestors of the big scorpion grandfather.”

I heard the sweet leaf Jane in his heart was smiled by his words, and his grandfather… Cough, the summer team is very clear, and it’s all over the Li family.

“When I greet myself, I feel that I am stupid. I can’t be equipped with equipment and not because I can’t get on the battlefield. We need to be there when we need us. Otherwise, who will save them?”

“I still believe in the fighting ability of the water ghosts, and I am also convinced of the commanding ability of the devil. It was just a little panic at the time, I was afraid that there would be something.”

Ye Jane heard the nose sour, bowed his head, his fingers rubbed against the rifle, the soft voice and the cool morning breeze. “We didn’t want to send it to death. The big brothers have done very careful deployment, but the danger is very Big, but just be careful and come back alive.”

“I didn’t expect to receive a notice suddenly, saying that you are coming over, they are happy, and I am dumbfounded. I am inexplicably guilty of being arrested for doing bad things.”

Speaking and grinning again, because of the happy heart, the eyebrows are picking bright, like the dewdrops of the leaves, crystal to the heart and affection.

Xia Jinyuan was also told by her that she couldn’t help but laugh. “You really didn’t make a mistake. I just came over to catch you. How many days have I left before my forefoot? You, the back foot went to Libya to perform the mission. They all fought across the service. ”

“You can make those guys in the water happy and move to me and say that you are the people in their team. After that, you are the navy. I want to get the grass in their mouths.”

“It’s clearly my people, how come they are the people in their team.”

I also played a little careful, not to mention the people in the team, said “I am a person”, how can Ye Jian not hear it.

I heard my heart sweet and sweet.

“What is your person, the people in the team, I am still a student at school.” Ye Jian, who is very sweet in her heart, is also strong in her tongue. She is clearly happy and pretends that the wind is light.

The kind of sweet expression that wants to be adorned, teasing Xia Jinyuan with his fists covering his thin lips and smiling slowly, hey, how is his little fox so happy?

The extent of the laugh was a bit large, involving the chin that was hit by Ye Jian’s helmet last night. It’s less than three seconds, and it hurts to be handsome. Even laughing can’t laugh.

“Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, it’s all swollen.” Ye Jian was distressed. If it was not in the daytime, the comrades were not far away, she wanted to blow her feet.

“Why, I want to blow it to me. The injury is too heavy, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, it’s not enough, it’s not enough for ten times.”

She is very familiar with the summer team, always remember the bad taste.

Nothing to blow, no more pro, no blink of an eye, ten minutes of rest time has arrived, gather on the car.

The Chinese peacekeeping station in the town of Kewei has already received a notice. The Chinese mining companies have already heard the good news, and all of them are waiting in the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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