Chapter 4344

The situation in Libya has become increasingly chaotic. Illegal armed elements have attacked the Libyan capital. The NRPL militants have also launched attacks on government forces. The Libyan government, which is under the enemy’s back, has turned to the United Nations for help.

The weapons provided by a Western country to illegal militants arrived at the port early, but they found no way to contact the mines that were controlled yesterday, and even the six experts they sent out and the four mercenaries lost contact.

The deputy-level leaders of a Western country responsible for the matter realized that there was a problem, and they had no way of knowing what the problem was.

In order to prevent the surviving illegal militants from leaking news, the snow squad special forces destroyed the communication and destroyed the vehicles. The surviving guys were eager to report, but they had to walk first.

How long does it take to walk, how long does it take to walk more than 100 kilometers?

When they came out, everything was late.

I realized that a certain Western country asked the illegal militants who cooperated with them to inquire about the situation. At the same time, the special forces of the two special forces of China were ordered to meet the Chinese peacekeeping forces that had been evacuated from the city of Yemen.

With the help of the Russian side, the Chinese peacekeeping forces stationed in the city of Yemen once again repelled the illegal militants who were besieging. The British and Russian peacekeepers withdrew and the Chinese side began to retreat.

The Russian peacekeepers dispatched have not left, they also need to withdraw to the town of Kewell, and naturally will accompany the Chinese side.

I wish the lieutenant colonel to arrange for the wounded to get on the bus, and then arrange the material transfer. The soldiers in front open the road, the middle is the cover, and the back is the retreat, and the evacuation is completed at the fastest speed.

The Snowy Brigade, the Storm Commando, including the two captains, a total of 31 special forces entered the camp only to have to replace a camouflage suit, grabbed a few buns in their hands, and did not jump into the car for half an hour of rest. task.

This time, I went to meet as a peacekeeping soldier. I got on the bus and arranged for the alert and took time to rest. This trip was not in the same car as Xia Jinjin. She is currently fighting with the water monsters of the storm commando team. .

Although Xia Jinyuan wants to be in the same car, there is no way.

He is not the captain of the blue bird now, the big scorpion Li Mo Wang is the captain of the blue bird.

I personally sent Ye Jian to the car, but I was afraid that Ye Jian couldn’t get on the truck. He simply jumped up first, then reached out and pulled Ye Jian up. After pulling down, he didn’t bother to let go, the water ghost in the car. We said: “Brothers, my team’s blue bird will ask you to take care of you.”


What to do, I really want to take a look at this leather smile, and take a look at the unscrupulous guy to get off the bus!

Then look at the car that has not yet got on the bus, just stand under the demon king, see him with a frosty face, and even the eyes are like ice, the water ghosts point to the outside of the car, indicating that the cheeky brothers who climbed up the company Their captains are going to communicate, don’t stand them here.

Li Xiaonian, who hadn’t got on the bus, looked cold and looked at them all in the car. Like the arrogant guy like the host, he cleared his throat and said: “Do you want to delay the time?”

The voice of the big scorpion came from behind, Xia Jinyuan smiled and turned his head, and then he said that he was the one who brought me out. “You are the soldier I brought out. When I arrived at the brothers, I would never lose the face of this captain. I understand that there is no!” ”


Ye Jian is very cooperative and has a strong focus.

(End of this chapter)

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