Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4345 - Heart like a meteorite

Chapter 4345 is like a meteorite

Can she not cooperate?

In order to understand him, if she does not cooperate at this time, the last headache will be her.

To save trouble, it is better to cooperate with him.

Moreover, she can indeed be brought out by him.

With the cooperation of Ye Jian, Xia Jinyuan, who is comfortable all over the body, jumped down from the car, and the movements were simple and smooth, and the handsome to the eyes of Ye Jian was full of laughter.

Seeing this, Li Lannian did not want to talk more, swept the guy who still stood still, jumped into the car, pulled up the tailgate, and also protected Ye Jian to the side.

Xia Jinyuan waved his hand and left with satisfaction.

Want to grab a blue bird?

Purely think too much.

Z7 saw him coming over, and immediately picked up the half body that he had explored. He sat down and waited for him to come in front of the blue bird, just like the captain of the open peacock.

When I got to the car, the Z7 sound was not too big, just enough to hear the comrades in the car. “Brothers, we have to guard against it. The next door brother can really remember the blue birds in our team.”

“Don’t provoke a green bird, if you let her go to the storm team, then we will not cry even crying.”

Jade Bird is still a military academy student, even if it is an Army service, but it is not impossible to cross the service. Especially like her outstanding female soldier, who doesn’t want it!

“Not alarmist, brothers, we must improve the 12 points of vigilance.” In this case, the Z7 is secretly aiming at the middle school in the middle of the summer.

His eyes are aimed at, Xia Jinyuan knows that he is joking himself, his eyes are cool and glance, and his mouth is like a smile, so Z7’s heart is cautious.

The strong desire to survive makes him immediately open, and there is a big turning point in the eyes of all his comrades. “But, don’t worry too much, we still have the captain. There is a captain, the blue bird can’t run anywhere! You say yes. !”

Turning his head again, the dog’s legs are like Xia Jinyuan: “Q Wang, I said nothing wrong. With you, the blue bird is the one in our team!”

Raise his hand, Xia Jinyuan took a picture of Z7’s “dog head” and smiled: “I am really sensible, don’t say this kind of swaying the heart of the army. Read your first offense, give me a weight of 20 kilometers after returning. First book, Return after returning to China.”

Z7: “…”

I still want to see him ugly. As a result, people have not returned to China, and the accounts have been recorded first!

The comrades who have always liked to watch the lively have accused the captain of punishing the unfairness, and they have shaken the hearts of the military. It is enough to bear 20 kilometers, at least 30 kilometers.

Xia Jinyuan, who has always been a democracy, is a captain who proves that he is a fair and just, and he does not arbitrarily do it. He sincerely accepts criticism from his comrades, and he has changed his weight by 20 kilometers to 30 kilometers.

Z7 “angry” protests, are all comrades in the group, he wants to change teams!

The protest is invalid, and the weight is 30 kilometers!

With the Z7’s lively car atmosphere is very relaxed, the water ghosts are also very easy here, to boast a flower from the team, and even the benefits are boasted a grade, so that Ye Jian rushed to their team .

Li Yannian only couldn’t say it, let the water ghosts persuade.

It’s good to come to their team. He can take care of his sister later.

The water ghosts saw the captains let them persuade, and he also wanted to let the bluebirds stay, so he persuaded him to be more cheerful.

Ye did not move, smiled quietly with a smile, and occasionally nodded, saying that she had been listening, after twenty minutes, the water-dried ghosts did not say, Ye Jian continued to smile…

A wave of persuasion has no fruit, and Ye Jian is still fully determined and unmoved.

Hey, the water ghosts of the Storm Commando have never mentioned this since then, because they all know that it is absolutely impossible for the Bluebird to come to their team!

Good night, little goblins

(End of this chapter)

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