Chapter 4346 How is it possible?

The evacuation of the Chinese peacekeeping camp in the city of Yemen was very smooth. The illegal militants concentrated all their forces on the government and rushed to take the city and released a video on the network, meaning they would rule this. The land will expel all those who oppose them and defy them all out of Libya.

Finally, a video of the illegal killing of government troops by illegal militants was recorded. The blood of the scene was immediately condemned by the countries.

Soon the Libyan president also recorded the video and responded to the illegal militants with an extremely strong and determined attitude. And told the countries that the government forces have killed the illegal militant leader Kukuro Kaydin and released a set of photos.

This photo is a photo provided by the Chinese Snow Country Brigade.

Cullo Caesardin was one of the chief leaders of illegal militants. His death instantly provoked big waves and motivated the Libyan government. The military was greatly enhanced and Libyan personnel saw the hope of new life.

The video released by the president came out and a secret meeting was held in a certain western country that had been armed to illegal militants. The content of the meeting was not known at all. However, the weapons provided in the past were quietly retired after a week. Obviously, the country has Mengsheng suspends the retreat of cooperation.

Is Cullo Caesard killed by the Libyan government?

How can it be!

Cullo Caesardin was not killed by the Libyan government, but a country secretly condemned the military and solved a difficult problem for the Libyan government.

Which country is it?

There was news from the port of Sas, all of their probes did not find out who was sneaking into the bilge, killing their great leader, leaving no clues to find clues on the scene, even the bullets were made by NATO bullets, and there was no way to check them. .

They avoided the probe, avoided the dark whistle, and smoothly opened the four password lock doors that entered the bilge. They also successfully avoided another set of probes installed in the dark, and even the alarm devices did not play a small role!

No one knows when they sneaked into the port of Sas, no one found out how they sneaked into the hulk, and they didn’t know how the passwords they deciphered were still assassinated in so many guard patrols.

It became a mystery that there was no way to decipher.

Because of this, the Western country immediately realized that it was not good, stopped the supply of arms, and quickly erased the transaction records.

It was assassinated by Cullo Caesardin, and the country only temporarily suspended the supply of arms until it was known that the mining area was not good and completely lost contact. The country immediately cut off contact with illegal militants and smeared all the contacts. Zhang white paper, leaving no traces.

At the same time, a secret meeting was held to try to find out which country had helped Libya.

The Chinese side is undoubtedly the biggest object of suspicion and has launched a heated discussion on “whether the Chinese side has strength.”

In a conference room in a building that is strictly forbidden, about ten people were sitting in metal leather chairs. They had been arguing for a wave of serious expressions, and the atmosphere of the whole meeting was extremely depressed.

Some people pointed out that it is impossible, because it is impossible for China to send a peacekeeper to go to assassinate Cullo Caesar.

Some people also doubt whether China is secretly sending troops to support.

It was also refuted by the people. The reason for the rebuttal is still very simple. So far, they have not found that there is a powerful force in China that can complete an assassination and leave no trace.

(End of this chapter)

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