Who is the 4347th chapter?

The heated discussion was fruitless until the Chinese peacekeepers successfully rescued the mine employees who were hijacked by illegal militants. The unsuccessful quarrel finally had a result.

The Chinese side did not participate in the assassination of Cullo Caesardin. Their focus was on rescuing the 12 Chinese employees who were hijacked.

“There is no strength in the Chinese side.” The topic ended.

Of course, there is no strength. How can we save the Chinese employees and kill the Cullo Caesardin?

So which country is it?

The Russian side has become the biggest suspect, and the Russian side has enough strength to do so.

As for whether Russia has found out which country is providing weapons to illegal Libyan militants, what is it?

What about the evidence?

There is no evidence, even if it is discovered, it is only discovered.

The illegal militants who played with the Libyan government forces did not know that their arms were interrupted. The first leader once again released a swearword. He would drive the president out of Libya within one month and let the Russian side speak. They will let the Russians pay a painful price.

In this regard, few countries believe.

Provoking to the fighting nation also made the fighting nation pay a terrible price. It was not afraid that the wind would flash to its own tongue. I really didn’t know where it came from, and declared war on the country for a while, and then declared war on that country.

The special forces who have not received the Chinese soldiers in the Nepali city are not aware of what happened in the international arena. The leaves of the closed eyes are stretched out and the legs are stretched, and the car sway to the sleeping insects. “I can’t control it, I yawned in a row, and Ye Jian gave up resistance and let myself sleep well.”

Closed her eyes, she closed the headset, in case she sleeps and talks, let all the comrades hear it, it is shameful, she only closes the call, does not cut off the entire communication, the channel said what she can still hear.

Li Yannian, who also closed his eyes, felt that one shoulder was sinking. He turned his head and saw that his sister had closed his eyes and fell asleep. His eyes flashed a smile and he adjusted his posture slightly, so that Ye Jian could be more comfortable. Yourself.

The two sides have been in constant contact and the car has finally met for more than an hour.

Just as soon as the car stopped sleeping, the leaves opened easily, and the most familiar sound came from the headset, telling everyone to get off the bus.

Xia Jinyuan jumped from the co-pilot while talking and they will be waiting for the vehicles in the peacekeeping camp.

The comrades in the car got off the bus and then lined up and waited for the arrival of the vehicles in the peacekeeping camp.

After about four minutes, I heard the sound of the vehicle “booming” coming in front of me. Then, the first jeep came out first, and the second one was a truck…

There are 16 vehicles in the peacekeeping camp, four in the jeep, three in the transport vehicle, two in the ambulance, and the rest are all trucks.

They drove over here, and the special forces who lined up for four minutes immediately jumped back into the car. The first car became the vehicle of the snow squad special forces. They led the way to the camp, and the storm commando was the last vehicle. The car is responsible for all the warnings behind them.

There was no delay for the entire meeting, and the same speed was returned to the town of Cowell.

The commander of the Navy’s director-in-chief learned that the meeting was very smooth. There was no twists and turns along the way. Finally, the heart that had been hanging in the eyes of the blind man was put back, and the younger general Yang said: “I can eat more bowls for dinner tonight!”

Let Yang Shao laughed a lot, and said: “That kind of care, don’t give up the stomach!”

Commander Dong replied: “I am happy to support the stomach, as long as the soldiers below me can return safely.”

See you tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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