Chapter 4348 Small Action

Arrived in the town of Cowell for 12 noon in Libya time, the two teams of special forces who completed the task were finally able to rest well. Xia Jinyuan, who came down from the car, looked around and looked back at the team that was slowly entering the camp. The twilight-stricken black scorpion slightly stunned, and said to V8: “I went to the front meeting, the small thing to find G3, the big thing to find the devil, find me in the 100,000 hot things channel.”

“Remember, don’t run over and look for me. I am very tired now, I need to sleep well!” He was really tired for the evidence, and he yawned a few words.

A serious face, let T6 squint and nodded a “yes”, after returning to God, their brigade strode early to the front of the most suitable for the cool few large trees.

“Is there such a tiredness? The previous three days and three nights of warfare did not fit the eye, so you can still jump, how can you be tired today? Is it difficult to be old, and energy is not?”

Staring at the back of the distance, the T6 whispered.

The middle school did not hear it. He was alone with Ye Jian. He was tired and very energetic on his face.

“We have eight hours of rest time, you are tired, I found a good place, after you get off the bus, open your big brother and come straight to me.”

Sitting in the last truck’s Ye Jianlei, there was a gentle voice from the man, and he sneaked at the big brother sitting next to him, and did not dare to speak. He only pressed the voice of the scorpion, “Han 哼”, indicating that she already knew, and It is not convenient to speak at the moment.

Xia Jinyuan was happy when he heard it. He didn’t dare to talk. It seemed to be sitting with the big scorpion.

“Open the big brother, don’t let him know, get off when you get off the bus.” He pressed and smiled and continued: “Let the big brother know that he has to do a good job of snoring. Seeing the big brother, I see than The father-in-law is still worried.”

“That’s it. When you come in, you will see three trees standing side by side behind the tent. I used it first, so I can’t find me to pick you up.”

What can Ye Jian say? She can’t say anything, even the words “Uh-huh” can’t be both, I’m afraid that my older brother can detect it.

Li Yinian really did not think that Xia Jinyuan had a small movement under his eyes. He thought that after eight hours of rest in the camp, he had to arrange for his sister to go to the infirmary to find a bed to rest.

He said: “When I get off the bus, wait for me, take you to the medical parade and rest, don’t squeeze with us.”

Ye Jianwen, who will have a small movement, will be stunned by his own sorrow, almost thinking that her big brother really heard it.

Swallowing throat, really not suitable for doing bad things, Ye Jian smiled: “No need to be so troublesome, I am ashing, don’t sleep their beds. I will find a place to rest, no special arrangements “”

After a sigh of relief, I took a breath and tried to make myself look calm.

She didn’t know that Li Yannian’s brow was very shallow and wrinkled. In the end, there was no more words. He nodded slightly. “Alright, don’t close the communication, you need to be sure to find you at any time.”

“Okay, I understand.” Ye Jian smiled and nodded, so dangerous, and finally passed this level.

Xia Jinyuan had already walked to the bottom of the tree, and the truck that Ye Jian was sitting on had just entered the camp.

Fang Zhongzheng of the Chinese side in the small town camp area of ​​Cowell talked to the Chinese Academy of Education, and he would like to meet with a captain of Li. As for Xia Jinyuan, they did not know that there was such a person, and they did not know that there were actually two specialties. The troops are in the team, and the heads of the two camps think that there is only one special force.

(End of this chapter)

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