Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4358 - Fear of his wife's glory

Chapter 4358 is afraid of his wife’s glory

What to do, every time I reunite, there is no sense of distance, but I fall in love with love…

Unconsciously, Ye Jian looked at Xia Jinjin’s eyes and not only smiles, but also worship.

She likes the summer school, and deeply admires the man he loves.

The woman who was deeply loved by her was admired. The self-respect of Xiazhong School was greatly satisfied. The slender fingers also rubbed her palms intimately, and saw Ye Jian’s itchy arms shrink, and the smile of Xiazhong’s mouth was deeper.

Distinguished a large face of oil paint, but still let the smile to make the leaves of Jane red a bit.

Oil color face is also very handsome!

Who doesn’t like handsome, Ye Jian can’t be excused.

Enjoy the summer middle school from the girlfriend’s worship while holding hands, while walking outside the cafeteria, low voices like picking the strings, nice and sexy.

“Now I finally understand that I am not stupid, but that he is stupid, his self-esteem is greatly suppressed, his face is swept away, and he is so angry that he has no choice but to say something that is easy to misunderstand.”

“You are very coincidentally listening to the sentence, what bullies his feelings, clearly is to find that he is a stupid one, the big man’s self-esteem is frustrated, can not accept.”

“When I left, my teeth still grinded my teeth. Oh, I admit that my IQ is not as good as people. It is really difficult.”

At this moment, Ye Jian expressed deep sympathy for Luke.

She met the black attribute of the belly, the summer team of the IQ high-explosive watch, she expressed deep condolences to the special forces of the self-signal flag.

When she thought about it, she was also crushed by the IQ of the summer team, and she was finally defeated by him…

Going out of the cafeteria, Ye Jian’s footsteps settled, and the black and bright crystal looked at the man around him. Ye Jian’s face was awkward: “The summer team, you will continue to be so dark, beware of being covered with linen bags.”

Really possible!

The comrades in the Snowy Brigade have let go of similar rumors, and I want to drag the captain who tortured them to the corner and smash it.

Hearing, Xia Zhongxiao grinned and revealed a white and neat tooth. “Before, I will pick them up and meet me, and my knees will be soft.”

The white teeth, the fierce smile, and the fierce beast called the king in the mountains are no different, Ye Jian silently shut up.

She no longer mentions “Luke”, and the back of Xiazhong’s school is finally no longer sweating.

He is not afraid of bullying the feelings of a man, because there is nothing, he is afraid that he will be known by the big fox that the little fox has become… He is often drunk by Lukla to Melaben.

Although he only drinks alcohol and does not do bad things, he will self-block those colorful scenes every time, and then… he still feels guilty and short of breath.

I was afraid that Luke would come out together, and he quickly took the big fox away.

Fortunately, the IQ passed and the big fox was left.

Fortunately, the pass quickly, the big fox did not ask again.

Xiazhong School, who walked out of the cafeteria and loosened his hand, secretly wiped the sweat. After the bar, he must not step into the half step! In the case of a big fox that is getting more and more fierce, he is really afraid of her slashing sex, and he is crying, and he even cries without crying!

Xiajia’s man is afraid of his wife, and his family is very glorious!

Ye Jian really didn’t know that he intended to tease it once, and he would tease Xiajia Laoliu until he no longer enters any bar. Even Qing has become the blacklist of Xiajia Laoliu.

There is no way, the source of family studies can not be lost, otherwise it is the ancestors to abandon the ancestors, will be spit out of the summer home spit.

(End of this chapter)

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