Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4359 - Lieutenant Colonel

Chapter 4359, Lieutenant Colonel

Ye Jian, a student who doesn’t know the psychological process of a man, is still immersed in the worship of his loved man. He doesn’t pay attention to the man who looses his hand and secretly wipes the cold sweat.

On the “set of linen bags”, Ye Jian felt that the Xia team’s cleverness, he will certainly see in advance who wants to put his linen bag, preemptive strike has always been his secret to victory.

This is why the special forces of the Snowy Brigade are often trained to be non-adults by Xia Jinjin. After they have let go of the rumors, they are finally lost.

Because I can’t find a chance to start! He will be seen in advance before he starts to work, and he will end up suffering himself.

After several rounds of comparison, the special forces in the team no longer asked for their own suffering, and they were honest.

The veterans who have followed Xia Jinyuan for a few years know that they can’t offend people, but they are black captains, but the recruits in the team still don’t know!

After leaving the team for more than a year, Xia Jinyuan returned to the base. The first thing to do was to train the soldiers. In his eyes, even if these soldiers had entered the snowy battalion for two and a half years, he was still a new soldier in his eyes.

Less than three days after returning to the team, he will hold all the recruits’ personal training situations in their hands, where they have to be trained, what problems must be changed, and one case is given, and they are named one by one.

The recruits thought that they were making rapid progress. Who knows that their captains are not coming to the end of the captain, I rely on them to return to liberation before they even suspect that they have been eating for two and a half years, but they have not eaten for one day. Trained!

Walking out of the cafeteria and wearing the camp area, Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan both arrived at the time on time, and the relevant parties of the Lieutenant Colonel shook hands with all the special forces.

When he shook hands with Ye Jian, the lieutenant’s eyes jumped down and looked at the female special forces.

He really didn’t know that there was a female special soldier in a group of male special forces.

The special forces who had shook hands and two happy starters finally got a truck covered with tarpaulin, and happily left the camp to go to Keke State to take the opportunity to leave.

Fang Zhongxiao sent the truck to leave the camp. He wished the middle school: “I was really scared. I didn’t think there was a female special soldier inside.”

I wish the Lieutenant Colonel laughed: “You are rare and weird. The women’s special forces will only be more and more in the future. You must know that sometimes the female soldiers can be more convenient than the male soldiers, and they will be more relaxed and alert.”

“It is true that female soldiers will not be worse than male soldiers.”

“Of course, women can top half the sky, how can it be worse, the female special forces that make you scared are not the best example. In the future, more and more, our country will get better and better, by that time, look See who dares to bully us casually.”

“This time the counterattack against the unarmed elements is the best proof!” I wish the Lieutenant Colonel finished, and the face of fortitude reveals the ambition that the military can have. “The old side, then we can stabilize, they dare to provoke, We dare to fight back!”

The truck was far away, the two lieutenant colonels turned and the pace returned to the camp.

Out of the country, they represent the country, the country can not be bullied, who dares to come, will let them come back!

In the truck leaving the camp, the last one on the train, Xia Jinyuan, savagely crossed the long legs of his comrades. He squeezed into the corner and sat shoulder to shoulder with the leaves, so that the leaves holding the guns were slightly blushing.

He is really… to fight against time and to be with himself.

See you at night, the little goblins

(End of this chapter)

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