Chapter 4363 is not affectionate

More than two hundred kilometers of roads circumvented, sore and swollen, the spread of war will destroy the country of Libya to a fragmented country, the country is not a country, the family is not home.

The most deeply touched is the group of special forces who went abroad to perform the task. In particular, the first time they went abroad to perform the task, the water ghost was the deepest. The more they saw, the more silent they were. Finally, they held the rifle, and the twilight was deep and there was no exchange.

The special forces of the Snowy Brigade saw this and they did not bother to disturb them.

This is a spiritual wash, the only way to go through, after that, I will understand that peace is not easy, and I know that I am the responsibility of the military.

The first exchange point appeared, wireless communication is no longer electromagnetic silence, everyone open the communicator, ready to jump at any time, ready to crossfire.

The rainproof cloth on the car is closed, and the whole compartment is open, so that the special forces on the car can observe all around.

The smoke in front is thick, and the car has not yet entered the theater. The gunfire and gunfire have been heard. This is Libya’s civil war. Thirty special forces are not peacekeepers. They must choose to bypass and never participate.

The entire evacuation route was planned early, and the whole vehicle alert began to bypass.

Then I met several exchange points in succession, and I chose to go around. I started at 2 noon and went to 7:00 in the evening. I finally arrived in Keke State after five hours.

Commander Dong and Yang Shao knew that all the special forces arrived safely in Keke State. The two major generals exchanged calls and chatted for a while before they hang up.

Major General Yang is better. The special forces of the Snowy Brigade have repeatedly gone abroad to perform similar tasks. He is used to it.

Commander Dong was not the same. He managed to train a special maritime amphibious force. He went abroad for the first time. From the second of their departure, Director Dong always worried about the fear, and there was a bad news. I don’t know how many roots are white.

Fortunately, everything went well. This maritime amphibious special force won the first battle and established confidence for future development.

The tail of the transport plane was slowly closed, and Li Xiaonian looked quietly. The depth of the indifferent expression was a dark rush that others could not find. The tail finally came together, the transport plane began to take off, Li Xiaonian received the line of sight, the head rested on the cabin, and a smoldering gas slowly spit out from the chest.

Do not disgrace the mission, return home safely!

“Come and come, stack a hand together and celebrate the first battle of the storm commando brothers!”

I don’t know who is up, and then the cabin is full of excitement. I can’t get up and walk at any time. All of them are stacked together and cheered for the success of the brothers of the Storm Commando.

“One, two, three! Keep up the good work, come on!”

“Let’s work harder, come on!”

Near the stack of hands, slogans and cheers together, Ye Jian’s hand was covered by Xia Jinyuan’s big hand, the slogan sound, the two eyes tacitly meet, like a tangled branch.

“Summer team, I am one step closer to you.”

She said with her eyes.

Xia Jinyuan laughed, the oil on his face had been wiped clean, and the face of Zhang Junya’s unparalleled smile was shallow and affectionate.

Micro-smashed his eyes, indicating that he understood her eyes.

Yes, my girl, you are getting closer and closer to me, I am so happy that you have not given up on me, regardless of the hard work and always chasing my footsteps.

I am so lucky, I will finally wait for your arrival.

Ye Jian also smiled, smiled like a flower, and fell into the country.

She was so lucky and finally approached him.

See you later, I saw you later.

(End of this chapter)

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