Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4364 - Most cute height difference

Chapter 4364, the most cute height difference

The transport plane was transited and entered the Chinese border twenty-one hours later. The radar prompted to enter the Chinese aviation field, and all the special forces on the aircraft actually arrived in the country.

This time the mission is special, and it is not necessary to go directly to the military department. After returning to the team to write a report, it will be sent to the military department to complete the incident. Therefore, Xia Jinyuan and Li Lannian do not need to go to Beijing, the transport plane landed on the border. After a military airport, they returned to their respective posts at the military airport.

Xia Jinyuan, they will be the first wave to leave, they will take the military transport plane directly to the base.

There are still seventy minutes away from the departure time. All the special forces are waiting outside the military airport runway. Because it is an air force base, they are a navy, a wave of the army, and here the dragon is also tight, except for the designated place. Nothing else is allowed outside.

Xia Jinyuan’s helmet, collar, and low-pitched sound mixed into the night wind, and it was different. “I have some work to pick up after I return to the base, and I will lose contact with you for the time being. There is no way for you this summer vacation.” Arranged to the team, I have already submitted the training camp application form that I said last time. The result is still unknown.”

“You are at peace with the school and other news. In the summer vacation, you will be obeyed by the military school. If you have a holiday, you will come back to Beijing to see the old gentleman. Go to Xiajia to see it. Father and old lady are thinking about you.”

Do not leave, Xia Jinyuan only feels that there are still many words that have not been said, and wherever he wants to say, no matter what Ye Jian can see his reluctance to her.

She is also like this.

What he said, Ye Jane nodded, not letting him worry about it.

Next to Li Lannian, he occasionally looked up at the streetlights in front of him, but only occasionally looked and did not bother with the past.

Xia Jinyuan, the first wave of their departure, let the two people talk about the conversation. He’s the big brother’s always in the past, and it’s inexplicable, and maybe it’s going to make my sister hate.

He did not go over and was not afraid to bother the two, mainly afraid of being stunned by Ye Jian.

Under the streetlights, the slender Xia Jinyuan stood in front of Ye Jian, who was 168 in height, and he appeared to be extraordinarily petite. Ye Jian was just standing under his shadow-drawn figure, looking at Li’s perspective. Seeing that Ye Jian was covered in the whole person, he could not see the figure of Ye Jian.

Ye Jian, who was shrouded in black, has always looked up. No way, the man she loves is at a higher altitude. If she wants to look at his facial features, she can only look up.

It’s been a long time, and my neck hurts a bit.

Every time I saw Ye Jian, I had to raise my hand and my neck, and Xia Jinyuan couldn’t help but laugh.

The finger gently bounced her forehead and shouted: “Let’s eat more, like a small bean, I want to pull you up directly. It saves you from getting tired of your neck.”

It’s impossible to reach Ye Jian’s age and grow taller. One or eighty-eight is one, six or eight, and the height of a half centimeter is a luxury.

Taking advantage of the forehead he had bounced, Ye Jian was also very helpless. “Why don’t you grow short, every time you stand so close, the most tired thing is me, neck pain… like a pillow.”

“I am too short to grow up. I am too tall.” The man who spoke raised his hand and made two taller heights. He was one meter eighty-nine, Ye Jian was one meter six eight, and the height difference between the two was twenty-one centimeters. A comparison, Xia Jinyuan found that the height difference between the two people was unexpected and harmonious, and even made him feel very sweet, um, there is still a trace of pride.

(End of this chapter)

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