Chapter 4365 is a deep love

Ye Jian saw that he was still taller. She was so funny that she lifted her leg and smashed it toward his calf. The leg was stretched out, but the man did not find it, and he was stunned again.

Fortunately, she is short-cut, and although it is messy, it will not become a bird’s head.

“Fortunately, there is one meter six or eight. If there is only one or six zeros, I will look up at your forehead. It is difficult for you to rely on your small arms and short legs.”

After finishing her head, the sweet and very happy Xiazhong school laughed lowly. At this time, Ye Jian was purely worry-free. Just like an ordinary girl, she played in front of a boyfriend and spoiled the battlefield. The military became a soft finger.

Gentleness is for her, and she is always in love.

Ye Jian’s brain made up the picture he had just said. The picture was so funny that he couldn’t help but laugh.

Yes, it’s still a good six or eight. Otherwise, standing in front of him will be like a little doll. Walking is not going, but he will be taken away by him, or else he will be caught directly under his arm!

The brain is a bit more out of the picture, the picture is getting stronger and stronger, and the light smile is like a slap in the face, causing the comrades to watch it.

The sea anemone and the seaweed looked at each other silently, and looked at their demon captain. Their demon captain was killing his eyes. I don’t know how many times to kill the Q king!

Eyes are very powerful. They only look at the back and feel the coldness of the back. For fear that the devil will burst into a gun, the Q King who laughs and laughs at the bluebird.

The Jade Bird is the devil’s sister. The Q King is not the Q King. He can even chase the Devil’s sister. In the process of chasing, I don’t know if I have been chased by the Devil.

There should be…

Can resist all the pressure of the devil, and eventually catch up with the blue bird, and only the king of Q!

Change to any one of them, as long as the demon king swept his eyes, they are absolutely scared to tremble, not afraid to have a distraction.

Li Yannian’s eye killing had no effect on Xia Jinjin. At this time, he was all barriers to everything around him. In his eyes, there was only Ye Jian.

Seventy minutes was short, the military transport truck was loaded, and it was time for Xia Jinyuan to lead the team.

The soft kiss gently fell to the side of her lips, Xia Jinyuan turned his head and did not return into the cabin. Ye Jian, standing outside, held the helmet in one hand, gently stroked the lips with his temperature, and finally waved goodbye. .

The transport plane took off and finally turned into a few stars disappearing into the sky.

He has returned to the base and she is about to return to the military school.

Xia Jinyuan took the special forces of the snowy brigade directly to the Chinese border to transfer to the military transport vehicle and returned to the base. They were the first wave to leave, followed by Li Yuenian’s water ghosts with the storm commando to take the opportunity to leave, and finally the leaves simple.

No way, because there is no military aircraft going to Xiangcheng, there are fighters, but Ye Jian is not a pilot. There is no technology to operate a fighter with the pilot. Therefore, she fell into the last one.

In the year of Li Xiaonian, they boarded the plane after half an hour. In half an hour, they became Li Xiaonian’s sister, and they were involved in half an hour from the aspect of life to learning.

Ye Jian also nodded, listening.

When it was said that Li Xiaonian suddenly silenced, he was listening to Ye Jian. When he had finished speaking, he saw that his brother had always been a little unnatural in his indifference, even the cold voice was stretched. Uncomfortable.

“You and Xia Jinyuan are both adult men. Some aspects must be taken care of. You can’t let yourself suffer. Don’t make a little trouble in the last year. Don’t break the road behind because of the happiness of a time. You don’t understand.”

Ye Jian blinked her eyes, she… understand!

I also understand why my brother is so unnatural.

I will see you tomorrow, the little goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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