Chapter 4368 is amazing

Yes, the eyebrows are swept, the mouth fat is lightly drawn, and no powder is needed. The female soldier in the mirror has a bright tooth, and the eyebrows are as far away as the mountains, and the eyes are like a smack of stars, and the lips are fangs. Glorious.

Put on the knee-length skirt at the bottom of the pressure box, and put on the new medium-heeled shoes. The students short-sleeved into the skirt and let Xu Wen see it straight.

Even He Jing, a girl who didn’t pay much attention to the “beauty”, saw this and found three “啧啧啧” marvels.

Ye Jian looks good, the military school recognizes things, the young students will communicate in the private world who will grow beautiful, who is handsome, generally speaking who is beautiful, how handsome and how many will have different aesthetic points, take the risk A few words that are not recognized.

However, as long as I mentioned the leaflet of the 99th command class, there is no objection. I believe that it is difficult to hide the wind even if I wear a training camouflage.

Nowadays, the light makeup of the women’s dress is even more clear than the slim lotus flower. There is a female soldier in the hopefulness of the glorious life. From the bedroom, Ye Jian has already harvested countless sights.

In the end, she risked being caught by picketing, and the cap was pressed down to stop the first gear.

In the bedroom, He Jing said to Xu Wendao: “Fortunately, we are military schools. Fortunately, we all think that makeup is delayed. Fortunately, our little simple children are paying attention to the inner beauty. Fortunately, they have already had a famous flower, or they don’t know how much to be lost. Boy.”

“I am a woman, my heart is now pounced and fascinated.”

Ye Jian never made a light makeup, even the lipstick was never painted. At this time, the first time the makeup was unveiled, the roommate was first turned down.

“I was thinking, how many male students will be lost when Ye Jian went out at this time.” Xu Wen did not use it for a few times, simply prepared for the urgent use of lipstick to close up, on He Jingdao: “Small Jane The boyfriend, who really made a big profit! It’s good enough to be handsome, otherwise, I really want to persuade Xiaojian to change her mind!”

As for his own appearance, Xia Zhongzhong has always been confident. He wanted to know that the first time he attracted Ye Jian’s sight was this face!

Wen Yan, He Jing is very serious nod, yes, big truth!

Fortunately, the little Jane boy is long enough handsome, otherwise, she will also persuade Xiaojian to change her mind.

Xu Wen said, “People are more popular than people” and then go back to the desk and continue to do exercises.

I can’t think too much.

Ye Jian, who has won numerous sights all the way, has finally returned to the ranks. This time, a total of 12 exchanges of students from other countries have come. Therefore, 12 outstanding students were sent to the school, 10 male students and 2 female students.

Another female student, Ye Jian, knows that Ding Ling, who went to a grassroots company in the Nanguang Military Region during the winter vacation, has not returned to the bedroom for a while.

Ye Jianjin came to the ten male students who still remembered the personal data of the 12 other exchange students, what personal interests and hobbies, and those who are jealous.

“Ye Jian, just the instructor came to call you again…” A male student who first saw Ye Jian said and said, “There is a “stunning” word. If you want to see it, he doesn’t dare to look at it. The voice is getting lower, “Let you come back and call the instructor.”

The male student spoke and the other eight male students looked up.

They all know why female students go back to the dormitory, the youngsters adore, and the identity of the cadets. They are also ordinary boys, and they all have the emotions of ordinary boys.

Ye Jian, who had made a light makeup, stood in front of their eyes and suddenly saw her light makeup, and her eyes suddenly brightened and she was shocked.

See you at night, little goblins, I want my little Jane to be beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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