Chapter 4369 Bad Roots

The trainees who can represent the military academies in the military school belong to the school’s leaders. Although they were shocked by Ye Jian, they did not lose their minds. They only knew that they were embarrassed, and soon they were embarrassed to take their eyes back and pretend to clear them. Cough, it will calm down.

Some rushes are still steady.

Ye Jian quickly called the instructor back. The original instructor heard the Yue political commissar in the car saying “You let Ye Jian make up? Will she listen?” Hey, the instructor immediately called.

It is said that Ye Jian is not generally helpless.

“You have ordered, I can’t obey. It’s gone, it’s real, I’m very awkward now, I really want to go to the bathroom to clean.”

The complaints she is not used to make the instructor cry and laugh: “You little comrade, not to say that everyone who loves beauty has something to do, the little girl’s home is rare to dress up and dress up, how come you are like a prison.”

“We still have 30 minutes to arrive at the school. You should hurry and prepare, don’t lose face in the school.”

“Yes!” Ye Jianli was answering, although the instructor who was on the phone could not see it, but Ye Jian was used to it.

The male students re-adjusted their breath, and waited for Ding Ling, who had also made a light makeup, to come over, and then did not see the surprise of Ye Jian, but also a very graceful exaggeration of “very beautiful” and the like.

Ding Ling looked at Ye Jian and smiled: “Comrades, you have a little problem in aesthetics. I am beautiful. Ye Jian, she is beautiful.”

“I saw a girl in front of her eyes, and her heart was like a deer jumping. Didn’t you find it? Or are you all shy?”

When I arrived at the military academy, the girl had to change to a boy. Sometimes it was not so much to be awkward.

The male students who were told by Ding Ling simply did not cover up. The sights that were secretly sneaked in and aimed at all turned into bright and straight, and they looked at Ye Jian and laughed.

The atmosphere of a smile instantly became relaxed, and there was no more detention before Ding Ling’s future.

This time, I came to the National Science and Technology University to exchange students from two countries, and China and the Chinese side have established diplomatic relations. Similarly, the Chinese side has military school students to go to their country’s military school exchanges.

The students from both countries are from the big and the big, all of them are high, and the exposed scorpion muscles are like stones. One of the two looks like a strength student.

When Ye Jian saw two male students from Manfei, his eyes were very shallow, and the two male students… she knew.

They represented Man Fei in the military school student contest, and she has participated in this place.

Although the male students from the big and non-two countries have the same dark skin and generally look like the five senses, Ye Jian still recognizes two male students from Mani.

At one time, the two male students were also rude to the Chinese schools.

This returned to the Chinese territory and also entered the Chinese military academy. I don’t know whether the two will continue to be rude, or bow to reality and become modest.

However, it has been proved in the near future that the inferiority of a person is like a dog can’t change it. The inferior root has been rooted in bones and blood, and no change is possible.

Ye Jian recognized the two people, and the other party apparently did not recognize Ye Jian.

When the handshake was held, the arrogant force could not help but reveal. The Chinese male student responsible for the confession took the initiative to reach out. The other side’s eyes fell at forty-five degrees, and the hands of the Chinese students’ eyes were swept away. A bit of disgusting color.

(End of this chapter)

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