Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4371 - Destruction and hope

Chapter 4371, Destruction and Hope

Visiting two laboratories and an exhibition room, a group of people came to the library. The spacious and bright library was not empty. Almost every seat was sitting on the students, and they were carefully reading the books in their hands.

In the face of incomprehensible problems, whispering to each other, from time to time writing and drawing on the notebook, each student’s face with a light and rigorous look, to reserve more knowledge for themselves.

The students of Sedona walked into the library and felt the atmosphere of reading, and they all showed envy in their eyes.

Their country’s destruction is too serious. Having a library is now a dream for them. There is no library, no complete home, broken concrete everywhere, even a complete building in their capital. There is no way to find out.

Stepping into the peaceful land of China, high floors, rows of trees, Chinese people riding bicycles on the roadside, drivers driving on the road… This land is the country they dream of, and they want to build it. country.

There is no war, no killing, no broken, no nightmare… They come with hope and will go back with the seeds.

The library has become the nearest place for the twelve students. The Sedona students also took out a few books to watch. They will have a little Chinese, but it is not enough to understand Chinese characters.

“This is our urban construction plan. Here is China’s international metropolis, and this is the fastest growing city in China’s reform and opening up…”

Ye Jian used the familiar language as the mother tongue to answer questions for two Sedona female students, a city construction plan, and the landmark buildings of each city. Only one book explained half an hour.

The four students of Manfei were also involved, and the exchanges with the Chinese students were very happy, and the two arrogant students had already become very impatient.

Before they came, they had an understanding of the Chinese military school. They thought that they could not go to the West Point Military Academy more than the US West Point Military Academy. Unfortunately, the goddess of fortune did not patronize them and let another group of students Go to “West Point” and they can only come here.

They were waiting for twelve students throughout the morning, until the end of the Chinese meal.

Chatting with people is a technical activity for Ye Jian. In particular, he has to entertain two nostrils in the middle, and the Manchester-based students who are thorning everywhere are simply challenges to psychological endurance.

Fortunately, the challenge is successful and there is no impulse.

As for the days of the next exchange, there will be an impulse, Ye Jian really can’t guarantee.

The National Science and Technology University has a lot of exchanges in other countries, and it will be there every year. Similarly, there is always something happening every year, every year.

Soon in mid-June, Ye Jian, who lost contact with her boyfriend, walked out of the lab and rushed to the classroom. Now, in the morning, the lab is busy with an all-nighter and she has to go back to the classroom.

As for physical fitness, the instructor has taken laissez-faire measures for Ye Jian, because he knows that Ye Jian will never let his physical training fall behind, and the results of each test are best proved.

“Ye Jian, Ye Jian…”

When I went upstairs, Ye Jian heard the familiar voice of the students coming from behind the class. Turning his head, he saw Song Qiuqiu and Hu Huan walking side by side.

The two are in teams and the three are in the ranks. This is the rule.

The approaching Song Zhiqiu smiled and said: “In the morning class, we noticed that our class needs to send four foreign students to take the training. The instructor will directly report your name, and we both will add Wu Bingxian. The instructor said that we have to catch you directly. He will not be notified if he knows the voice.”

The words “external school with training” made Ye Jian two eyebrows have been screwed up.

In the six major periods, I entered a new era. I have been strategizing the whole outline in these few days. My hair… I don’t know how much white, even the weaker and weaker, I dare not bubble!

Fortunately, the retreat for a few days to outline the outline, Xiao Gang

(End of this chapter)

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