Chapter 4372 Enemies

On the day of training, Ye Jian was a senior, and the fourth-year trainer was the most normal. However, he was trained in the military school and went to the university.

Ye Jian has some resistance in his heart.

I haven’t waited for her to speak. The pace of the people from the opposite school building has been rushing out. Everyone is very anxious, but the formation is very stable, like rushing to do something important.

“The instructor said that you have any idea to talk to him alone, but the list of people has been determined and cannot be changed. The training on campus, the training outside the school are the same, you will all appear on the list.” Hu Huan smiled and said Ye Jian’s heart is resisting, “So, accept it.”

“A few of us who went to school outside the school are being envied by the training.”

Why are you envious?

Because…you can go to the school to see the beautiful girl.

Ye Jian did not know their careful thoughts, heard the words, raised his eyebrows slightly, and smiled: “Cheng, I asked if there is any willingness to change with me in the class. I am happy to change it.”

I am rather willing to go outside the school.

She doesn’t need to look at beautiful women, nor does she need to look at handsome guys. Training on campus makes it easier for freshmen to realize that their identity will no longer be a student, but a soldier.

She is happy to take her freshman from a student status to a military identity.

And training outside the school is quite difficult.

Too strict is not good, too loose is not good, there is a degree to grasp, boys who encounter naughty points have more headaches. If there is no way to change it, she will ask for a girl.

“That would be happy to change, but they are willing to have something to use.” Liu Yang said, he saw three physical instructors from the opposite school to step out and step by step, his face was a bit dark, and he said a lot. “What’s wrong with this? The atmosphere in the morning is a bit nervous.”

“When the atmosphere is not tense, go for a class and go to class.” Song Zhiqiu took a look and took the lead to step down and whispered to a peer Ye Jian: “Excellent students also need a certain experience, I see the instructor is This arrangement is especially good for your graduation next year.”

“After training with you, it is training. You will follow the instructions of the instructor, and you can’t go wrong.”

Ye Jian, who picked up the stairs, smiled. “Well, I know that it is mainly troublesome to take training outside the school. It is not good. The training in the school is different. I am strict and they only obey. I only have normal scope. If there are strict requirements for new students, even if they have opinions, they will go to the instructors, find the instructors, and can’t find me.”

Song Zhiqiu understood, not unwilling to bring training, just too troublesome.

“When you go outside, you still train as required. If you have any opinions, you will not be able to find you. The instructor will come forward to deal with it. Relaxing and going to other universities is also very good. We can all hope to arrive early that day.”

Several people whispered as they walked to the classroom.

In the morning, the whole class is the main class. After class, the class will be moved to the multimedia class, and each battle will be analyzed and discussed. After the discussion, the relevant data will be established, and one morning will pass.

At noon, Jane knew why the students in the opposite building were in a hurry. The three physical instructors looked dark and the two students from Manfei took the initiative to provoke the class. At the same time, they also degraded his own class and uttered madness. The result was a public anger.

“Is this coming over to communicate or come to enmity? The foreign military students will have a little more friction in the early stage, but it is not as big as the two of them.”

“Is it difficult for them not to stay, want to pack their bags and leave?”

(End of this chapter)

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