Chapter 4375

Instructor, the training field is awkward, and the level of speaking in the training ground is opposite to that of the training ground. The speech is both artistic and horizontal. In a word, you can fine-tune the characters and make a difference.

Ye Jian and Song Zhiqiu exchanged a clear look, and the instructor went to the playground together.

The content of the friendship game is very simple, three subjects.

5000 meters running, 400 meters obstacles, precision shooting, as for what sit-ups and so on, three hard subjects, good bamboo shoots and bamboo shoots at a glance.

The physical training of the four classes was put aside for the time being, and they gathered together to sit outside in the sun. First, the instructor came on the scene and said a few words. Xu Wen listened to a person who shouted. “Friendship first, competition second, who to lie to Oh.”

“There will be a winner in the game. There must be a winner and a loser. I lost more face.”

“Hey, the official language is really nice, I don’t know if the two guys can understand.”

“Direct comparison, just wait for them to lose. The challenge books are all down to the door, and they can’t kill them! Yes, they really can’t kill them!”

Ye Jian listened very much and wanted to laugh, but as a leader, she had to be serious.

“The leader spoke above, you said below, or do you want to go up?” It is a matter of discipline, even if the same bedroom Ye Jian is also seriously criticized, “end three kilometers!”

Xu Wen: “…” For a moment, the verbal power is strong, and the disaster is actually falling from the sky, sadness, sadness, great sadness!

With the criticism of Ye Jian, even if Xu Wen breaks down again, there is nothing to say about discipline. It only blames her mouth and can’t help it!

There are six students in each of the two countries. The National Science and Technology University also sent six students. The two people who were provocatively challenged were two people who were provocatively next door, plus Ye Jian and Song Zhiqiu, and the same group of six.

After getting up, Ye Jian and Song Zhiqiu went to the middle and the other four students stood in a team. Although the six people came from different classes, they usually had a small game to spur themselves, so it was a bit of a head. Pay, just don’t know the other person’s name.

Of course, except for Ye Jian, I know her all.

Six people came up first and slightly decapitated, and they said hello.

They stood on the far left, with six students from Manfei in the middle, and Sedona students on the far right. The eighteen people in the group had their heads in the hot sun, and they waited for the game to start.

The rules said that the 5,000-meter ran 18 people at the same time, divided into the first, second and third.

The 400 obstacle is a relay obstacle, which means that you have to run back and forth, and the team has the shortest relay time.

Accurate shooting for fixed-point shooting of 10 rounds of bullets, shooting 20 rounds of bullets, 30 meters away from the target position, 20 rounds of bullets need to be all shots, leaving one side, all scores are invalid, to count the total number of shots of each team to win or lose.

It is the most basic game, and it does not increase the difficulty at all.

The two Manfei students who have been constantly picking up things have already been unable to bear the pressure. The instructors finished the rules of the game and they said that they would pull a bunch of bars and say that they all understood that they did not know the Chinese and Sedona students. Do you understand?

The six students in Sebia were both frowning at the same time. They were already up to the peak of the two students from Manfred. They did not want to compete with the classmates and did not want to compete with the Manfei students.

The two instructors who spoke to the instructor looked at the side and glanced at one side. A student with a DV record had recorded everything in the DV.

(End of this chapter)

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