Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4376 - Don't hurt anything.

Chapter 4376, don’t hurt anything.

The two students of Manfei ignored the discipline, and did not let the instructors look at the arrogance of the Zhang Guojin. The members of the National University who were watching the “Friendship” were cold, and the sights were swept away.

This kind of person owes me up, picking up a few times to know how high the sky is, and how thick the land is.

Xu Wen continuously adjusted her breathing, her fists were tight and tight. She was enlisted for almost three years, and she was the first to make an impulse to hit someone.

Calm, calm, there are still three kilometers after the event, it is not worthwhile to add a three-kilogram to a bastard. She has to calm down.

The sun is shining, the sweat that flows out is steamed and dried, and the back of the training suit has been immersed in white splatter-like white sweat stains. In view of the arrogance of the two students, the sun is not hot and the students are not cold. Ice to the sun, all stare at the field, just wait for the hang.

Ye Jian played, victory has already accounted for half!

Let’s take a look at the other students who are all in the class. The students in the class fall into their hands and can’t ask for it, not to mention the two arrogant guys.

The powerful instructor walked to Ye Jian and was low and low. “The instructors are all scenes. Remember what I said just now, the shot will be handed and the shot will be beautiful.”

“And let them be proud, it is necessary for them to be ecstasy to forget. The higher the tone of the tune, the more miserable it is, the more you will suffer from the experience of us, I must know how to play.”

Listening to Ye Jianwen, who nodded from time to time, was said to be crying and laughing in the last sentence of the instructor. “Instructor, when did I abuse you and abused the experience? It was all the instructors who first asked me for the next battle. I must not fight.” “”

“Hey, got it cheap to sell it? The last time the instructors of the various chambers met, the general teaching directly named the instructor in our hospital, saying that we are shameful, from the beginning of the semester, we have lost to the commanding female student Ye Jian, I still have one in my hand. The 3,000-word self-review report has not been written. Do you say that I am not guilty?”


The physical abilities of the instructors who abused the instructors in the hospital nodded and answered very seriously. “It is quite awkward.” The self-review of the three thousand words is falling from the sky, but it is not what it is.

“It’s the ground, I just said that you have to win, and the 3,000-character self-review report is written with me. It’s difficult to be the same, to fulfill the friendship between the instructors and the trainees.”

The local instructor of Xiangcheng was flying with the local dialect. Ye Jian was very serious: “Please ask the instructor to rest assured that the task is completed, and the three thousand words self-review will be completed by you!”

“Yes, wait for you to finish.”

It’s not difficult to be with the instructor. It’s okay. When I meet the top-ranking student, she says that everything is right. Seeing that the game is about to begin, the instructor has to hurry and repeat. “Remember, climb higher, fall more miserable, good. ……”

“Good competition, friendship first, friendship first, don’t hurt.”

After seeing DV camera, Yu Guangzheng is aiming at the six students of the National Science and Technology University. If the word “good” rushes to the tip of the tongue, the instructor will be swallowed back and replaced with “good competition, friendship first, friendship first, don’t hurt.” Peaceful.”

The words to be remembered are “Climb higher, fall more miserable”, as for the “successful game, friendship first, friendship first, don’t hurt and anger” in the latter sentence, that is to say to DV.

Ye Jianquan understands, “Friendship first, competition first, mutual encouragement, peaceful coexistence, remember!”

(End of this chapter)

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