Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4421 - Love does not change

Chapter 4421 does not change the situation

“The only thing that is fortunate now is that the other party doesn’t know your mother’s real name. I only know that it is codenamed Hongmei. If you know your mother’s real name, you will know your existence.”

Cai said in a sigh of relief, the taut voice was cold and cold. “Once you know your existence, they will definitely be bad for you. Xiaoye, you have to be mentally prepared. But you don’t have to be afraid, Lijia is also amazing.” Can’t turn the day!”

After the Cai Bureau finished, Xia Jinyuan, who was looking at the movement, looked at Ye Jian, who was sitting next to him. There was even a slight smile in his eyes. In a relaxed situation, he was in stark contrast with the worried Cai.

Although the Cai Bureau is very concerned about the little fox, but in the end, there is still a lack of understanding of the little fox.

His little fox came up with thorns and thorns, and he pulled out a candid avenue by himself. He was hurt, tired, and cried… She never feared, worried, gave up, how could such a little fox Scared?

Xia Jinyuan, who has a smile, adjusts the sitting position slightly, adjusts the original posture to the lazy backrest of the sofa, and a hat is waiting for the answer of Ye Jian.

Xia Jinyuan is understanding of Ye Jian, and she has never given up in the face of Li’s entanglement.

When she was born again, she always knew that she was not very close. Now she heard that Li’s presence would be unfavorable to her. At this moment, Ye Jian’s heart was quite calm.

If you are used to this kind of calculation, you will face it. Why do you need to be afraid?

Wen Yan, Ye Jian smiled and said: “Cai Shu, you can rest assured, I am not the little girl who will be casually pinched in the past, they stretched their hands and long, and they could not blatantly harm me.”

“Even if you want to harm me, you have to have a chance. And I will not give them the opportunity to harm me.”

One year after graduation, Li Jia dared to reach out to the National Science University. The military department that had been staring at the Li family must be immediately shot. It is necessary to see how many nails have been retired for many years!

Cai Bureau did not think of his worries that Ye Jian has become “not a thing” and he has not even reacted. Like Xia Zhongzhong, he is quite calm.

Suddenly, Cai Bureau was a little bit stunned. “The relationship between the two of you, I am now… Hey, I really believe that it is a relationship between men and women. I am only worried about it, and neither of you is a big deal.”

One of the words made Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan laugh together. The two people sitting in the three-person wooden sofa looked at each other at the same time, and they had the feeling of making Cai’s old face red.

It’s awful, no, these young people are jealous, these young people… really bad.

“Okay, young people, I am still there, scruples, scruples.”

The Cai Bureau laughed again and again, and then looked at the monks who were sitting together. They were gratified in their eyes, and they thought of the lost Sun Xueqing martyrs. Unconsciously, Cai’s eyes were a little damp.

It’s so good, it’s so good, it’s so young.

Red plum, red plum, you can rest assured under Jiuquan… You can rest assured that Ye Jian’s child is so beautiful, the dragon and the phoenix, the skill of the army is more valued by the military, compared to the one of you, it’s not good to say. Your daughter can be much stronger than you.

Too strong to be good, just because of the strength to have today’s achievements, if the weakness, has long been eaten by the group of wolves to the bone residue.

The boyfriend who is looking for is also very good. A talented person has a tendency to advance and retreat. The most important thing is that he can support Ye Jian in an empty space, can shelter the wind from the leaf, and give Ye Jian a stable family.

(End of this chapter)

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