Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4422 - The electricity has arrived.

Chapter 4422, the electricity arrived.

Very well matched, and can’t find a lover like them.

You, rest assured, rest assured…

The wet corner of the eye, Cai, took a deep breath and pressed the sour rushing to the nose.

“Since you both have a few hearts, then I am relieved. Xiaoye, it is not early, let Xiazhong School send you back to the bedroom.”

“Although the school is safe, someone will stay with you and get better.”

This is a small couple who intends to separate for a while.

Xia Jinyuan should follow the flow from the good, and he said to Ye Jian: “It is just a matter of something that still needs to talk to you, let’s go and say while walking.”

Then he said courtesy to Cai: “You should rest early, good night.”

“Good night, Cai Bureau, I will come back to you tomorrow.” Ye Jian got up and planned to come to the party early tomorrow to accompany this one-to-one relationship, but because of her mother’s relationship, she cares about her uncle.

In the morning, Li Jia found him. In the evening, Cai Shu rushed to the National Science University, which shows how anxious he was.

When he left, Ye Jian said again: “Don’t worry, Li Jiazhen can’t help me.”

She all showed her face in front of the big leader. She was also remembered by the big leader. Does the Li family want to harm her? Let the horse come over and see who the deer died!

Today’s Ye Jian is very emboldened, and is more resistant to wind and snow than before. As long as he does not fall, any enchantment will try to defeat her.

Cai Bureau smiled and nodded and personally sent the two to the door. “You are very good, I am very relieved, go back to rest. See you tomorrow.”

I have been smiling and have been watching a pair of monks walking through the corridor to return to the room.

When the door closed, Moab raised his hand and wiped the corner of his eye. After a long time, there was a long sigh of nostalgia in the room. There was a whisper of whispering, and it disappeared without hearing it clearly.

The Xiazhong School, which has always been a rule, has not stepped out of the foreign guest building and then reached out. It naturally took Ye Jian’s hand and issued a very satisfying feeling. “I finally took it. I just had to lick my heart and I was forced to restrain myself. Forbearing for nearly an hour, more than ever.”

He was so tight that he was afraid that Ye Jian would break free, not clenched, and after a series of words, he said to Ye Jian: “Don’t let go.”

Ye Jian laughed and blinked like a crescent moon. “I didn’t think about making a profit. You want more. It’s hard for you, and you have to endure for an hour.”

After that, she suddenly had a lame foot on her side, and her toes were so high that she had a kiss to his jaw.

Comrade Xia Jinyuan is more satisfied.

At the end, he was saddened by his low satisfaction. “I am pitiful, a kiss can make me happy. There is no more poor boyfriend than me.”

I have already walked out of the foreign guest building and turned into the tree-lined campus trails on both sides. In the sound of the leaves, the eyebrows of the eyebrows and eyes suddenly said aloud, “Summer team, bowing…”

The summer team, accustomed to being responsive to her, and moving faster than the brain, has already bowed.

“One is not enough, what about the two?”

She hooked his back neck with one hand, a affectionate kiss softly fell to his thin lips, kissed, and exhaled like a blue, she said: “Two are not enough, then a deep kiss is good? ”

The sound is soft and there is still a trace of fascination, and the current seems to hit the heart of Xia Jinjin, and I don’t even care about it. A girlfriend will actually seduce his summer lieutenant to beat him.

Being loved by a beloved person… It’s not made, it really exists!

See you in the early morning, the little goblins… The fingers are not hurting now.

(End of this chapter)

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