Chapter 4454 Animated Women

Qin mother fell, really afraid of Du Jiayi. Du Jiayi, who had a white face with a small face, turned white and wore fine heels. He rushed to help Qin mother. “Auntie, are you okay? Are you okay?”

Qin mother, who found no way to stand up, had Du Jiayi’s hand to stand up. Someone on the right side was wearing a faint scent of perfume, and she firmly supported Qin mother.

Ye Jian, who is ready to help the mother of Qin, sees this. The gaze is slightly passed from the woman who helped Qin mother, and she saw the familiarity of the five senses from Qin Xiu.

The woman and Qin Xiu are very similar, short hair, only the left ear is wearing a small blade of earrings.

There is also a son who is a sturdy hero, wearing a vest gray-striped women’s casual suit, even if this time, you can see that it is a slender woman.

There is a camera with a professional lens at her feet. It seems that the price is necessarily expensive. Now such an expensive camera is put on the ground by her hand. The brows of the British are frowning, and all the thoughts are placed on Qin mother. .

Since it is similar to Qin Xiuxiao, then she does not need to help in the past. Seeing that she has no trouble with her own things, she quickly disappeared and came to the crowd.

The face of Qin’s early-born fine lines, which tried to stabilize the image, suddenly rejoiced and turned to look at the woman who was faintly scented.

The first purpose is to get healthy wheat-colored skin. Hey, the joy of Qin mother’s face has not fully climbed out and has been restored to cold.

“Mom, I reminded you how many times, when you are young and wearing high heels! You are still chasing people. Do you think you are very young? Have you fallen? Where is the pain?”

The people only care about whether their mother has fallen or not, and did not pay much attention to the change of Qin mother’s face.

Du Jiayi recognized who is a woman who helped Qin Qin, Qin Xiu’s sister, the famous camera “Qin Ying”, a woman who would live like a man, and she could not see a little noble image from her.

Also, a woman who runs around with a bunch of camera equipment every day, how can there be a lady’s image? Whenever I run around, I have time to pay attention to my image.

“Sakura, you are here.”

Du Jiayi said with joy, then nervously said: “Sakura sister, we are helping the aunt to sit next to me. I see that my aunt seems to be very painful, or I am sent to the hospital to check the insurance.”

Qin Sakura licked the broken hair that fell to the front of the forehead, looked up and spoke to the young daughter, the skin was beautiful and temperament, and the speech was also generous. There was no such sister in all her relatives, then it was…

“Mom, you are really amazing. With your daughter-in-law to attend the grandfather’s birthday, you are not afraid to bring your brother to sever the mother-child relationship with you since then?”

Qin Ying opened the Qin mother to the air and shook hands, saying that her daughter was more worried than her son, but she was here…to her…it’s hard to say!

“If you go on, I will cut off our mother-daughter relationship first!”

Qin mother took a look at her daughter, and only her own niece dared to talk to herself, and she could breathe her into the hospital.

Qin Ying is not afraid, and returned: “I will thank you first!”

“You!” Once again, Qin mother’s face was changed to iron, and she took a deep breath. She turned her head and smiled at Du Jiayi: “The aunt is old, not used, no big problem, rest will be fine, you help the aunt… …”

(End of this chapter)

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