Chapter 4455, I don’t know

Qin mother, who refused to communicate with her biological daughter, said, while looking up and looking forward… If Qin mother had not finished talking, she did not have to help, and the person she wanted to find had disappeared.

That is to say, she just fell, Ye Jian did not look back.

It really is……

Qin mother closed her eyes, holding one hand and twisting the waist side with a dull pain. She sighed: “The aunt took the seat back and called again to ask if the baggage was obtained.”

Du Jiayi was a bit embarrassed. She knew that Qin mother and her daughter Qin Ying were not in harmony, but did not think that … they did not agree to this point. Even the words “mother and daughter relationship severed” were spoken in front of her.

After Du Jiayi’s heart burst into joy, can he think that Qin Aunt has not regarded her as an outsider?

Qin Ying really wants to let go, she is such a broken temper, and she only thinks that she has a good temper. She simply does not speak, picks up the camera in one hand and raises Qin mother in one hand.

It’s never been so embarrassing to lose someone today.

Ye Jian…

I just thought that if my son really liked it, she tried to leave the family to see the character. If it was really a good girl, after her secret investigation, she would have to count on her son’s favorite bite.

Although the origin is almost the same, it is a military school student. At that time, the Qin family will support it, and it will still be a leader.

At this point, she had no idea at all.

Good character?

I don’t have to look at the character any more, and I don’t need to think about it in secret. Out of this day, Ye Jian is not in the scope of her future daughter-in-law.

Qin Sakura with a single shoulder camera looked around and saw nothing. He said to the future daughter-in-law of Qin mother: “Help the hand, first help the girl to rest in the past, how much is your mobile phone number? I drive the car Come over, when you get to the maiden to get out of the car. Sorry, I am bothering you.”

“The Niangniang” is completely derogatory.

“Ah, no trouble, no trouble, it’s all I should do.”

Du Jiayi replied with a smile. She knows that the relationship between Qin Ying and Qin mother is very stiff, but she also knows that Qin Ying and Qin Xiu have a very good relationship. She needs more than just Qin mother’s approval, but the Qin family is recognized by both. .

This time in the South Province, Qin Ying is one of the goals she needs to attack.

Qin Yingfu looked at the young woman who had completely grown into her mother’s ideal daughter. She smiled politely and helped Qin mother to sit down. “You are resting now, what is the matter? What are you talking about?” Say.”

Qin mother gently slammed the sound, and said that the answer, Du Jiayi was very sorry, Qin Xiaoying smiled and thoughtfully explained, “Sakura sister, Aunt just encountered a little thing, the mood may not be good, don’t worry. “”

Excuse me… Who are you?

In the face of Du Jiayi’s thoughtful explanation, Qin Ying’s heart is a big problem. Because of her education, she also looked at the mother of Qin. Qin Ying did not ask, just smiled.

More like her daughter than her own daughter, it is no wonder that the “herdon” is happy.

What is the use of “娘娘” joy? Mainly still have a younger brother to be happy, but unfortunately, she can now tell the **** behalf of her younger brother Qin Xiu: girl, don’t dream, you can’t help but feel that the body is not like Qin Xiu!

Which kind does Qin Xiu like?

She took it five minutes ago!

It was the girl who was chased by her “herdon” that Qin Xiu liked that class and liked it very much!

In view of the fact that the girl was living as a “child-wife”, Qin Ying believed that her goodness should not be bad for her dreams. Hey, she did not want to represent her brother Qin Xiu.

See you in the early morning, see you in the morning.

The college entrance examination will have another day tomorrow, come on!

(End of this chapter)

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