Chapter 4457 Lifting a rock and licking its own feet

Qin mother was sitting in the Qin family. In the past, she was able to make a lot of picky Mrs. Qin’s wife to be a daughter-in-law. The methods and strategies were extraordinary. She missed her first impression because of her birth, and she looked down on Ye Jian’s origin, but Does not mean that she is blind and blind.

She does not like the simple character of the leaves. She has always recognized the poor mountains and the bad people. Therefore, all the things that Ye Jian has done can be summarized as low births and can’t be generous.

Then, Jia Jia said that although there is a low suspicion, she can make her slightly change on Ye Jian.

If Du Jiayi knows that he had originally pulled the black leaf Jane, in exchange for Qin mother’s impression of Ye Jian, he must be angry to vomit blood on the spot.

Why did Qin mother change her mind because of her words?

Mainly because of the three people mentioned by Du Jiayi.

Xiajia Laoliu, Xia Laozi, his grandson, the only son of Commander Xia, what kind of girl has not seen it? ! As long as he hooks, what kind of girl is not lacking.

Li, the father of Li, is the grandson of the old man who has always been a lieutenant, and he has never returned home, and he has never relied on the power of the family. So the man must be determined and will not be fainted by a girl who is too long and gorgeous. The basic judgment.

Qin Xiu, this is her son. What kind of virtue is clear, even Jiayi’s talented and capable girl has never looked at it. Why is she chasing Ye Jian’s alone?

The three men at the same time released a goodwill to a leaf from the hill village and were willing to make friends with her. What does this mean?

Explain that the girl is not bad, and she has the ability to attract three outstanding men.

What is the charm… With her many years of experience, I haven’t seen the charm from Ye Jian for the time being. From the perspective of my mother-in-law, such a girl is not like her mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law didn’t like it, but the young man liked it… Qin mother smiled slightly, raised her hand and patted Du Jiayi’s back, and smiled: “Well, don’t tell her, talk about your Qin Yingjie. Take her, aunt.” There is really no way.”

When the topic turned away, Du Jiayi couldn’t see if he had played a role in discrediting himself. He couldn’t see what Qin mother thought.

It seems that she needs to ask for a late mother who is in Beijing.

No longer surrounded by Ye Jian, Du Jiayi accompanied Qin mother to chat with Qin Ying, Qin mother and Mrs. Li, can allow themselves to say that her daughter is not good, and never allow others to accuse her daughter of being bad.

Du Jiayi was in the heart, even if Qin mother said that Qin Ying did not hear, she would say that Qin Ying is very good.

Therefore, Qin Ying saw a smile on the mother’s face of the car, and Du Jiayi, who was the wife of the future daughter-in-law, couldn’t help but look at it. He said: “It looks very beautiful. I will give you several sets of shots the day after tomorrow.”

“Qin Ying! Jiayi is a guest!” Qin mother’s smile disappeared with her daughter’s opening. “Open your car and say that I am getting off at Jiayi now!”


If you don’t say it, don’t say it.

Qin Ying shrugged his shoulders and said that it doesn’t matter.

“Yiang Niang” is the maiden, delicate and overbearing. As a child, she can let it, so it can’t be made… The sister carries the “barrel” and continues to fly high to find the man she is watching!

Qin Ying took a picture of a man and had a photo of the man. With the photo she looked for five years and five years without fruit.

In the past five years, she has set a goal. If she does not find this man within five years, she will give up. Five years will come as expected. She thinks about it and changes her five years to ten years.

If she hasn’t found the man within ten years, she will give up.

Who is the man that Qin Ying wants to find? Hahahaha, this pair, very love, very love… I like to write, the two of them have more than 10,000 words, hahaha.

Good night, I will see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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