Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4458 - Have their own minds

Chapter 4458 has its own mind

As a driver, Qin Ying did not join the two topics of Qin mother and Du Jiayi. Since Qin mother did not like her to open her mouth, she did not speak. Anyway, the mother and the daughter had no common topic, and the opening would be awkward. Respect each other, peace of mind.

Mother and daughter do this, it is also unique.

Although Qin Ying did not speak, it does not mean that she did not pay attention to the topics of the latter two. Listening carefully, and then carefully pondering why Qin mother liked this Miss Du.

Miss Du is very good at speaking. She is not full of Qin’s kind of low service and unsubstantiated obedience. She has her own unique opinions. Sometimes Qin’s mother speaks if she has a partial pool, and she will smile and express her own opinions. Qin Instead of being angry, the mother is more happy.

The voice is not high or low, not humble, not arrogant, and the words are elegant and dignified. I have to say that this Du Jiayi is the woman she has seen most and can talk about.

Can speak the good way, the skill of the 捭阖 即 即 , , , , , , , 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 举 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦

“The beautiful mountains and rivers in the south of the province, the outstanding people, I know a few girls from the South Province, all of them are very beautiful. If you don’t abandon the noise of our young people, I will call them a few times to accompany you.”

“But I have to talk to you beforehand. They are all my screaming temper. If you collide with you, you can ignore the villain and have to forgive us.”

“You can criticize us and correct us, but don’t bother us.” When it comes to Jiaojiao, Du Jiayi’s relatives do not pretend to hold the arms of Qin mother, but they are more like daughters than Qin Sak’s biological daughter.

When I talked to the South Province, I also talked about Qin Qin’s youth. Du Jiayi calmly flattered the Qin mother from the South Province, and then quietly mentioned that she still knows a few girls from the South Province. Point out that it is good.

If Qin mother intends that she can introduce Qin mother to her, she is not afraid that Qin mother will pick a few alternative daughter-in-law from these girls.

In a word, it is not the meaning of a sentence, but the integration of Du Jiayi as a person, so that Qin mother is very satisfied with doing things.

“You, a broad-mindedness is a good thing, but sometimes you have to plan for yourself. You can’t stay with me in South Province, and gather with your good friends. Some friends can make a good life.” Some friends have a good deal. They are all social and soft.”

Qin mother also taught Du Jiayi, no way, who let Qin Ying not like to listen to her set.

But Qin Sakura doesn’t even like to listen, this time in a car, can she not listen?

Why did Qin mother teach Du Jiayi?

Is it because of the reason why Qin Ying is in the car?

Teaching Du Jiayi, Bo Jia Du Jiayi happy, and then taught the daughter by the way, Qin mother also kills two birds with one stone.

Du Jiayi said that he was taught, his expression was serious and solemn, and he smiled a little deeper in Qin’s mouth. He then looked at the daughter who drove the car, and Qin’s eyes passed a hint of darkness.

The daughter-in-law is always a daughter-in-law, no matter how intimate or not, her daughter will rebel against her, and it is also the meat that fell from her body, she has to manage!

In the eyes, the dull Qin mother thought of what she heard half a month ago.

“Auntie, I know why Sakura Sister is afraid of getting married, because she has a man who likes it. I didn’t lie to you. When you ask, does Sakura Sister have a photo, will it come out from time to time to take a look?”

(End of this chapter)

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