Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4459 - Blossoming two branches

Chapter 4459, two flowers

Half a month ago, Qin’s illegitimate son, Qin Yi, asked her to do something. He looked at his honest and honest life. What he asked for was not a bad thing. She sent someone to do it for him. Afterwards, he also I am grateful and sold my feelings back.

It was heard at the time that she had been stable for a while before she was not ruined.

“I didn’t care at the time, just glanced at me, dressed in camouflage, half of my face was blood, old scary. You asked, the child patted his chest to ensure that the sentence is absolutely no lie!”

In this way, she is a mother who knows that the reason why her daughter is not married is not afraid of marriage, but someone in my heart!

Why do people in their hearts need to hide their mother?

Since she has concealed her, it can be seen that Qin Sui’s heart is not satisfied with her selection of female niece, and she can even sum up the kind that she will be angry if she is afraid to mention it.

After Qin Yi finished, Qin mother had a cold swell on the soles of her feet, and she also came to the scene to have a big cold. It was completely said by Qin Yi, and she was careful to sneak out a disease.

In addition to returning to South China to give a birthday to the father of the family, another important thing is to ask who Qin Xia likes, so that she has not returned home for several years, and does not want to deal with other men.

Camouflage, half of the face is blood… The more you think about your heart, the more you panic. In the past half a month, you still have no bottom.

A daughter is more difficult to manage than her son. How can she ask if she is out of her mind?

The mother of Qin’s heart was so cold that she couldn’t ask if she could ask. She would never allow the kid in the backcountry to deceive Qin Ying.

Aside from all kinds of things, Qin mother is also a mother who cares for her children everywhere. Unfortunately, she is worried about her everywhere, too much for her children, and she has too many self-concepts to allow her children to violate.

The daughter is getting farther and farther away from her. If the son has been growing like this, he will be farther and farther away from himself. Therefore, she must find a daughter-in-law who will fit her own heart and let her son like it. .

Du Jiayi has Mrs. Li’s advice and is the most satisfied with Qin’s mother so far. Otherwise, she will not take her to the South China to participate in Qin Xiu’s grandfather’s birthday feast.

In the back row, there is a little talk about the old and the young, and the topic is too much to talk about dawn. Qin Ying looks at the mother and does not move to Du Jiayi under the cover, and Du Jiayi reasonably fits out from the set and hears the amazing Qin Ying Watching the whole process with a cold eye.

Her “Yiang Niang” is the most beautiful girl, like her own biological woman, running outside every day, good skin tanned into wheat, every time “the goddess” does not need her daughter to talk, only looking at the wheat skin, The resentment has come up.

Miss Du, it will be awkward.

It’s a pity that Qin mother is gone. I want to marry her younger brother. It’s also a poor person. After two or three years, I still haven’t figured out what the younger brother likes in the end. She wants Qin Xiu, but she’s blind. Qin mother, hey, although the number of paragraphs is a pity used wrongly.

Even she didn’t like this step and three steps. It seems to be generous. In fact, the temperament of the yin is calculated step by step. How can Qin Xiu like his brother?

So, people, sometimes it’s too bad to be too smart. If you are too clever, you will think that you are gone. You don’t think you have anything you can’t do, and you don’t have people you can’t get.

The girl of Shui Lingling is destined to smash the blood on the iron plate of Qin Xiu.

Thinking about it, Qin Ying simply opened the car disc player, and listened to the song. The songs released did not know which country it was. The height of the song was so high that Qin’s cerebral cortex was tight and shouted: “Off It, Qin Ying!”

(End of this chapter)

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