Chapter 4469 is not friendly

The three people who were suspicious had wanted to give up the car for a moment, and the white crane whispered: “Get on the bus first, I know Uighur.”

If the driver is really having problems, they can be fully uniformed by the three of them.

Ye Jianxin hesitated for a few seconds, she was worried about the suicide bomb installed in the car…

The weaver saw her hesitation and smiled: “Nothing, get on the bus.”

When I got here, I was hit by something. Sometimes it’s not a small fight in the mainland. It’s all about life. Since the two people, the weavers and the white cranes, who have learned about the situation in the southern frontiers, have found that they will not look at their eyes and close their eyes.

Before the door opened, Ye Jian said low: “Bomb.”

The two male soldiers were unhappy.

Being cautious is a good thing, but you can’t be too cautious.

Ye Jan was laughed at them and her face was a little red, she she… she really thought so.

Open the door, the three went up in turn, the white crane sat in front, Ye Jian, weaving the two sitting on the back, after reporting the address, the three did not stop the communication because of the driver’s strange, the topic opened the army and the military school, you can also chat The shadow of the city of Carat.

The three people became tourists who came to travel.

There are no problems with the driver at present, but 100% can definitely be a problem!

He was originally refused to load, and after seeing Ye Jian, he immediately changed his mind and opened the door. The eyes are not right, there is a clear hostility, and there is even a bit of fierceness in his eyes when the three get on the bus.

Ye Jian has touched his wrist lightly because of his fierce hand in his eyes. The silver wire has been quiet for a long time. If it is really something, you can let the silver wire come out to activities.

For the southern borderland from the future, influenced by previous news, Ye Jian has already entered combat preparation.

The first leaf of the southern border leaves is patronized, but the white crane and the weaving bird are not.

Although the southern frontier is more backward than the northern frontier, plus the proportion of ethnic minorities, the difference in living habits and religious beliefs, the southern frontiers are indeed more dangerous than the northern frontiers.

However, locals in the southern frontiers are equally hospitable and will not be hostile to others as long as you abide by all their habits.

At least the white cranes and the weavers have never encountered them in the southern borders.

This became an exception.

When they stooped into the car, they looked at each other silently. They all thought of the plain clothes that appeared in the airport.

At the same time, the highly vigilant three people were very wary of the driver at the same time, and did not relax their vigilance against the driver.

The three people talked about a scene in the southern frontier. They didn’t speak at all. The face was tight and it seemed that the driver who owed him money did not come up with a few local languages.

The language is fast and I don’t know what he said.

(End of this chapter)

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