Chapter 4470 Hijacking

His sudden interjection made the leafless figure that had not been understood condensed, and the line of sight did not trace the words. After looking at her side, the side face had its own fierce driver, and the ground paused a little. She deliberately laughed and asked her comrades. “What did the driver say? I didn’t understand it. Do you understand?”

Weaving the finch and raising the eyebrows, the hands were casually spread out and smiled: “I don’t understand.

In front of the white crane, the first look, the expression is appropriate, ask the driver in Mandarin: “Excuse me, you just talked to the three of us?”

The commander of the car quickly swept the white crane, the deep eyes were cold and cold, and the winter morning was cold. He said a bunch of local languages. The white crane turned his head and said to the comrades sitting behind him: “Language is not good, I Do not understand.

The white crane that turned his head turned sideways, his left hand arbitrarily gestured, and the two people sitting behind laughed.

The three men looked at each other with a smile and a tacit understanding.

It wasn’t that Baihe didn’t understand it. He understood it. The previous sentence asked them about the weather inland now. The next sentence said why they want to go to their place to play.

Yes, the driver asked the three people why they came to their place.

They did encounter a handful of unfriendly locals and they were also a taxi driver.

From the airport to the city is not far away, the territory is densely populated, there is no need to build an airport like the mainland, but also build a place dozens of kilometers away from the city, the car is driving very fast, the dashboard shows that it has been picked up More than one hundred and twenty-five yards, and still soaring.

Ye Jian did not hold the wristband in the car with one hand, and the black eyes had a cool color.

Weavers patted Ye Jian’s arm in a dark and light manner, and she did not need to be nervous to appease her. Everything had them. When the car drove into a three-way intersection and got a right turn, the white crane and the weaving bird knew that things were coming.

Going straight into the city along the Middle Avenue, the driver chose to turn right and intend to pull them somewhere?

The right hand of the front crane came out from the slit between the passenger seat and the door. The middle three fingers picked up, the thumb and the little finger were erected, and then the original action was taken back to the ear, and the little finger pointed to the mouth. The thumb is pressed against the ear.

The entire gesture process is completed in about three seconds.

Ye Jian, who received the gesture, said to the two comrades: “I want to sleep, let me know.”

“Okay.” The weaver who pulled out the phone smiled and nodded, and the three were silent.

Ye Jian closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. The white crane pretended to look at the scenery outside, and the weaving bird sent a text message to the large forces in the Gobi Desert.

Xia Jinyuan did not immediately see mobile phone text messages. After an hour or so, they did a good job hiding the computer before they pulled the phone out.

At first glance, a cat in the desert camouflage went to the camouflage tent to find Z7 Han Wei. “Locating the woven bird mobile phone, I sent a text message an hour ago, suspected of hitting the East Turkistan.”

The Z7 is building data docking, hears the words, and does not believe the tone of the answer. “They can meet the bad guys from the airport? Not so good luck, think more.”

“There is less nonsense, the airport is not flat, and the plain clothes are moving out inside and out. The north side has always been a bit messy.”

Xia Jinyuan took off his helmet and squatted with a short hair. The three-dimensional and elegant facial features a metal-like coldness, and the black scorpion stared at the computer screen.

With the Z7 tracking and positioning completed, the small red dot flashing on the computer turned out to be in the direction of…they?

Good night, good night, I will see you tomorrow…

(End of this chapter)

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