Chapter 4479 Beats

The squadron leader initially had scruples. He was afraid that these special forces had no actual combat experience. They learned that all the special forces who fought in the front line had blood in their hands, and the squadron leader was relieved.

It is a good thing to have assistance, and I am afraid that the assistance I have received will be inexperienced.

The two troops marched toward the farthest north, and the shackles of the leaves, the weavers, and the white cranes continued to move forward. The scenery on both sides became more and more desolate, and finally… the road was gone.

The car finally stopped, and the taxi driver took a pistol from his arms and pointed to the white crane sitting in the driver’s seat. The cold eyes were no longer hidden, and he was directly exposed. “Get off the bus.”

The blunt general words came, the white cranes were close to the door, and the tall men showed “scare” that Ye Jian tried to hold back the laugh.

The Snowy Brigade is a very magical special force. All the special forces can not only kill the enemy, but also play the drama… Graduated from a film school, professional level!

The white crane was so expressive that he performed the horror of the ordinary people in the face of guns. From the beginning of the gods to the facial expressions, the body language appeared, and the birds of the bowed eyes clung to the door, and organized a suspected air leak. Language, “guns… guns… I rely on…”

At the same time, the weavers around me were equally astonished to say “I rely on guns” loudly!

Then… scared no following.

In the face of two comrades who graduated from the film school, Ye Jian did not know what kind of reaction he should make.

Acting like them?

She will be even more unnatural… people who have died once will not play.

She is more adept at faceless expression!

Then there is no expression.

Holding his head in his hands, the whole nest is tight, and the trembling asks the weaving bird. “What happened? Where have we been?”

Don’t forget, she is sleeping on the bus, and it is normal to ask where it is now.

There was a messy footstep outside the car, and then someone pulled the door hard, very rude and raging.

“Get off the bus, get off, you, get off!”

The hard and awkward Mandarin came, and the “jingle” sounded, and the door was pulled by the brute force. One hand pressed the leaf to the wrist, and the mouth screamed and dragged the leaf directly off the car.

The same is true for the white cranes and the weavers.

A group of gray robes, heads wrapped in the same color headscarves, full of five senses, all men were surrounded by three, Ye Jian swept through the light, a total of seven people, each holding a rifle.

All are simple, cheap, and powerful AK47, and then take a closer look, Ye Jian also sees the clue. They are not the original AK47, they can buy a copy of the ink for all.

Three of the seven men are between the ages of 30 and 40. The two are about twenty years old, and there are two others… young to the face, the eyes look fierce, but there is no shock at all, but only Sixteen or seven years old.

They didn’t know what kind of “no return” they had, and they were very optimistic with the AK47. One of them used a muzzle to reach the head of the weaver, and deliberately made a “beep” shot. I want to scare the weaving bird.

Suspected film school’s weaving bird is really “frightened”, Ye Jian saw that his knees were soft, and the whole person went straight to the dirt road that was all uneven.

The reaction of the weaving bird succeeded in amusing the 16-year-old boy. In the open mountain, the young boy made a slap in the face of “haha” laughing. He didn’t even know what his gun was pointing at. The man who seemed to scare his legs was actually a A special commander, a special soldier who does not know how many terrorists are in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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