Chapter 4480 Traffickers

The white crane struggled and shouted: “What do you want to do! Let me go! Let me go!”

“Be honest, don’t move!”

His struggles in exchange for the beatings of three lawless elements, directly with the imitation of the AK47’s buttocks on the back of the crane, screaming at the weaving anger, “Let my friends let go, let go of him!” ……”

A young boy showed a strange and fierce smile. His eyes were very beautiful. Like the light blue of the sky at this time, the movements were so fierce, and the life destroyed the clarity of his eyes.

He used his muzzle to hit the belly of the weaving bird, not a moment, but a slam dunk, “shut up, disgusting guy!”

Speaking fiercely in the local language, the whole man was bowed tightly, and the painful voice was released, and the hand was reluctantly retracted. A middle-aged man with a long hair must be laughing at the side of the man. On the shoulders, he said a few words, and took out a handful of money and handed it to the boy.

Ye Jian, the weaving bird did not understand, the white crane did not leak all the words clearly, just because the whole hearing was clear, the white crane’s eyes were lightly stunned.


This is a scorpion!

The violent elements are violent, but it is not the violent elements who hijack them, but… the mother, the trafficker!


He, the blue bird, the weaving bird are being trafficked by the traffickers?

Ye Jian and Zhi Ke are also dumbfounded.

What does it mean to pay for it?

The taxi driver took the money. What do you mean by thank you?

Why can’t you see why?

It’s a gun, and it’s money trading… Ye Jian’s head feels that his IQ is not enough!

“How do you save money? What did they say?” The weavers who planted the land asked the comrades Baihe. Only the white cranes who can understand the local language can solve the problem.

“If I said that we were kidnapped by traffickers, do you believe?”

The white crane said with a face.


The air flowing between the three people solidified into pieces, and one by one went to the face… a little pain!

“I, kidnapped by traffickers?” The weaver who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth also asked.

The white crane nodded. “Yes, it’s a sorrow.”

“…” Ye Jian looked at the two, closing his eyes and whispering: “A bit shameful, brother.”

A little shameful? No, no! It’s a shame that they both have the idea of ​​retiring now!

Are the special forces kidnapped by traffickers?

Don’t lose people!

You said that you are not a shame!

Ye Jian said again: “Since it is a trafficker, how can I have a gun in my hand? Two people.”

The weaver who wants to find the hole in the hole suddenly looks up, right! He is full of “human traffickers” and completely forgets that there is still a guy with a gun.

“The traffickers are traffickers, the violent elements are violent, so it is not too shameful.” Baihe comforted the two, “Is my heart comfortable?”

Comfortable, too comfortable!

Returning from **** to the world.

The weaver was long and relaxed, and said to Ye: “I have never wanted to meet a group of real violent people like I do now.”

“To each other.” Ye Jianxin has a lingering back.

The white crane also nodded slightly and agreed.

The three people who were planted in a group faced the guns in front of them. The violent elements thought of it was not their own safety, but they were not shameful. It was a strange style, and the brain hole was different.

The taxi driver who took the money patted the shoulder of the gunman and said a few words. The boy nodded and answered a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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