Chapter 4481 is shameful.

The taxi driver went to the locals who had several other guns and pressed the eyes of the blinds. They didn’t know what to say. Some people nodded and said that they understood.

The taxi driver did not stay too long. A middle-aged man who was headed for the first time said a few words. The eyes looked fiercely and coldly at the three people who were brought by him, and soon drove away.

The middle-aged man who took over also took a teenager’s shoulder and smiled. “You are a warrior, and your family is proud of you.”

The murderer immediately took up the fierce face and became extremely pious. He bowed his knees to the northernmost devout.

His devout worship was appreciated by adults. The middle-aged man took the opportunity to preach to another teenager. Ye Jian and the singer couldn’t understand the language. The only white crane that could understand it was swept away.

He understood that the middle-aged man said in a preaching way that everything he is doing now is “doing good and evil,” and everything is correct…

In order to achieve the purpose of ulterior motives, in order to achieve ulterior motives, the young and young people are tempted to use violence and killing as a passport to enter heaven, so that the teenagers can become the tools in their hands and commit unscrupulous crimes. .

They did not do good deeds, but they did not stop evil. They were brainwashed by extreme thoughts and became machines that did not have self-ideology and created killings at any time.

The sky of the juvenile is no longer carefree, no longer clear, and only proud of it, with a **** red killing stamp.

The white crane with his eyes tightened his fists and he remembered the middle-aged man who was tempted by the teenager.

In order to prove that he has a brave heart, the educated teenager once again kicked the most savage weaver, and proved himself to the middle-aged man by punching and kicking.

The weaving bird did not fight back. His hands were buckled back. The whole person stood on the back of the bow and was attacked by a young boy. His fist hit his face. His blood was left on the corner of his mouth, and his ankle was on his leg and abdomen. After all, just listen to the sound and know how strong the power is.

He did not resist, only avoided the key in struggling, and the sound of bowing his head hidden the blood of a special soldier, so that everyone thought that all three of them were ordinary tourists.

As for the fascinating bag in their hands, they left the ground directly in the second before boarding the car, and did not take the car at all. ,

Ye Jan looked at the teenager who completely lost her conscience. In the dark eyes, she was cold and bitter. She was the victim of this transaction and the witness to the crime of sin. Then she was a crime to eliminate evil. Executor.

The murderous juvenile beaten the weaving bird for at least five minutes before being stopped by the middle-aged man. At this moment, the weaver and the white crane seem to be scared and honest, and then dare not struggle.

There is no turning back in the bow, and when they get there, they have to go all the way. They are willing to walk on the thorns all the way.

Ye Jian’s chin was pinched and forced to look up. She saw from the other’s eyes that she was looking like a cargo, waiting for the price and looking at the value or posting it.

It should be worth the money. The other party nodded with satisfaction. She said a big word to the two who were holding her. She became the only one of the three who was not beaten.

The fingers facing her back and tied the white cranes touched the hands of Ye Jian, and the slender fingers smeared on her fingers.

“Abduct us for another transaction. Before the transaction is completed, we should not be in danger. Rest assured, there is me and weaving, there will be nothing.”

See you in the early morning, I saw you in the early morning.

(End of this chapter)

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