Chapter 4494 Chapter Unexpectedly

“Yes, they have guns, don’t dare. Now they have to run, they will leave the day after tomorrow, we will leave, and the bombs will leave. We will run tomorrow, don’t run, will die. Wait…” Tavisia said, all the excitement, Then he took a villager from the country of Jistan: “He, help us, run.”

The villagers from the village of Jistang first owed their bodies, said a few blessings, and so on. They lifted their feet to the ground and swept them away, sweeping the weeds and picking up the straws to the thick dust. Draw on the ground.

He drew a route that would allow the white cranes and the weavers to escape. From where they went out, they went to the left and run on a small mountain road. They ran to the Tianshan Mountains, and it was difficult to find them in the Tianshan Mountains. They could also go to the border. Look for officers and soldiers.

After painting, he looked up at the Chinese who were tied to their country. Very serious to Tavis: “Remember it, run for you. Don’t bring people, it is dangerous, you will die.”

The meaning is very understandable. They don’t come back after they run away. They can’t bring people here. It’s too dangerous here. Bring people to die.

Tevez Alma is translated into the weaver and the white crane with the blunt universal words.

When the middle-aged men painted the route, the other villagers in the country of Genstan consciously stood aside, and others stared at the door.

Bai He wrote down the escape route and asked him to tell Tavis: “Please help me ask, is there already a Chinese person who has been pulled out by them?”

“No, it’s the people in their village who were pulled out…” The voice of the middle-aged man was a lot of sadness. They looked at the villagers of the Jistan country who helped them escape. “Their relatives, who have not returned, may have died.”

The white crane looked up and saw that the couple who had been praying to God for comforting others looked at him. After being discovered, the two couples looked down and continued to comfort other villagers.

The white crane took back his sight and looked cold.

However, he did not fully believe in the villagers in the country of Jistan. He had been exposed to too many anti-terrorism incidents. He once saw foreign soldiers helping a woman with a child. Finally, the three men were bombed into various body tissues.

I don’t believe in everyone, but Baihe believes that the middle-aged man of Jistan who helped them to escape, because one of his paintings is not accessible, is the way they just entered, and also draws a line of days into the village.

“Can you tell me how many criminals are there?” He asked in their language, and the middle-aged man in the country of Jistan was stunned.

The middle-aged man from the Chinese Kor, Tavisia, is a little excited. He and he… he will speak their language!

“Who are you, who are you?” Tevesia was very excited, and the sight of the white crane became extremely hot. “You are not a guard…”

He didn’t finish it, the white crane interrupted softly. “Don’t look up, don’t stand up, we slowly whisper. Sorry, I can’t trust everyone. I want to know if there are many extreme criminals in your country’s village? Even Will you extend your hand to the Chinese territory?”

The white crane has a calm attitude and Tavisia and the middle-aged man of Jistan who helped them escape. The other party is sincere and he naturally has to show corresponding sincerity to show respect.

The middle-aged man of Jistan was sighed. He sat down on the white crane and spoke very close. “We have a lot of extreme criminals here. They all say that they are warriors. The youngest are the most, my son used to No, he changed later. My brother was not, and it changed.”

(End of this chapter)

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