Chapter 4495 is chaos

The middle-aged man of Jistan has already lowered his head deeply and his voice is even lower. “No one can escape from here, and no one dares to come here. The same is true of the Chinese who have been kidnapped. You will be taken away the day after tomorrow. Know that you want to survive, want to help you get out of here, run, rush to the depths of the Tianshan Mountains of your country, look for officers and men in military uniforms, they are the patron saint of all of you.”

“Don’t tell them what happened, you can’t say it. If you say it, maybe your patron saint will come over, I know they will come over.”

“You can’t let them come. They should continue to guard your Tianshan, guard your borders, and should not die here. We don’t want to see them die anymore, it’s enough. It’s really enough.”

The middle-aged man in the country of Jistan said that his voice was getting lower and lower. A drop of waterdrops dripped onto the dusty ground, and the water droplets were dusted and turned into mud beads, just like their mood at this time.

The crane’s fingers trembled lightly. Before he said that he saw the killing of the people, was it the Chinese armed police officers and men? Have they already sacrificed?

He whispered, pressing the cold sword.

“No, not your patron saint, some of my old friends.” The middle-aged man of Jistan was wiped away from the tears in his eyes, and the great grief that suppressed him made his son smashed his shoulders. “They should not die, They should live well.”

The white crane suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

The middle-aged man fumbled for a while from his arms and took out a small accessory. “We can’t save them. We just took down their accessories. This… this, please take me out and bury it in the direction of the Tianshan Mountains.” I hope their souls can find their way home.”

The white crane slowly reached out and took over the accessories that had been well preserved. It was very light, but it sank to the white crane and both hands trembled lightly.

Focus on the key, make a promise, “Well, I must bring it out, I will definitely take it out and bury it in the direction of the Tianshan Mountains.”

“Thank you, thank you, they lost, we can’t find them. I hope that the jade they brought with them will guide them back home and return to heaven.”

The sky is gradually darkening, and the dim sky is still so bright, like a mirror that can’t hide the dirt of everything. It is beautiful and beautiful.

This is the border of the country of Gistan, a border that also acts as a sin, but the military of the country of Gistan does not pay much attention to it, which has made it a paradise for the ultra-lawless elements of the Kyrgyz state.

At 6 o’clock in the morning, a vicious attack occurred in a small county town on the border of China. The border officers and soldiers killed 12 criminals and successfully rescued a Kur from the Kyrgyzstan.

The occurrence of borders did not pass to Arak, and the number of people who cleared the scene was verified until the dark. The girl who was successfully rescued was very scared and fainted. On the spot, the doctor did not have any other problems except for the stimulation.

At about 7:00 in the morning, the girl from the country of Kyrgyzstan woke up. The first thing was that despite the long back of the hand, the military doctors had not responded. She had already “gumped up” from the bed and climbed to the bed to the military doctor. Shantou, this can scare the military doctors, and quickly stop the girl in the Jistan country, and call the sentinel on duty.

Soon the border defense company commander arrived, because the language is unreasonable, the company specially brought a Keer soldier to the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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