Chapter 4498 feat

The voice of the young girl is full of viciousness.

She stood behind and was blocked by several adult men, so that Ye Jian did not find her in the first place.

Now she showed up, and the first action came out of Aiguuli’s long hair, the beautiful face covered with dark ecstasy, waving her handcuffs to Ayi Guli’s face.


The slap in the palm of his hand came, and then there was another “squeaky” applause, and Ayi Guli’s face was slap in the face.

She should have said the most vicious words, and the leaf Jane, who was completely buckled by the two adult men, saw that Aiguly’s original white face became gray and desperate.

The girl who spoke smirked and she was making fun of Ayguly.

She is a good friend of the Jistanese girls who were detained. Now she has become the master of the lives of her former partners. She can take the rifle in her hand and shoot at her former partner.

Laughter spurred Aeguli, who was just like a strong character, yelling at his old friends and blaming him with the loudest voice and the most vicious words. “You will be condemned by the gods, you will definitely get the most punishment, I am Aygu. Li curs you with his own life!”

Knowing that she could not resist, Ayi Guli stared at her familiar face. Her beautiful eyes were not radiant, and all the brilliance was covered with darkness. She could not see the light and could not see hope.

Ye Jane seems to think of something. She has been horrified on her face without talking. She is screaming hard, “Don’t! Ayi Guli! Don’t!”


Aiguuli, who had committed suicide for several times, this time… As a wish, she tried her best to hit the round bolt on the iron door used to tie the iron bolt.

Her strength was too great, and the small round bolt completely slammed into the hardest skull of the human body, blood, and wet the black hair.

This scene happened too fast and too fast. Only Ye Jian had a premonition that Ayi Guli would be self-proclaimed, even if she broke free from the restraint of two adult men.

The staunch Ayi Guli fell down against the iron gate, and the beautiful big eyes were fixed on Ye Jian, who was dragged outside and ran back. Her breath was weak and weak, and her voice was as strong as she was born. The cat is so small that it will break off at any time.

“Run, leaf… run…”

Ayi Guli looked at the Chinese Han girl who was running towards her. The big eyes shed tears and ran. Don’t come back, run, her friend, don’t come back, run, run…

“Catch her, grab her!”

Ye Jian’s break-up made several abusers angry. They didn’t care about Aeguli’s death. It’s that she’s looking for death and they have nothing to do with them.

The young boy used a **** to slap on the shoulders of Ye Jian, and made a fierce snoring in his mouth. He slandered Ayi Guli’s infidelity, and he slandered the Han Chinese girl’s resistance.

The whole black house was in chaos, and the more sharp voices of the girls in the country of Genstein hit everyone’s heart. They rushed to Ayi Guli and shouted the name of Aeguli.

And her beautiful eyes smashed out the sinful fire in the last second of her life, staring at these familiar faces.

“I, curse you, Arnal… Your soul will enter Hell.” Ayi Guli tried his best to complete the curse of the former partner Anaar.

The snow-white flashlight illuminates Ayi Guli, and the glaring blood is reflected in Ye Jian’s eyes. It also reflects the eyes of Ye Jian who ran over.

(End of this chapter)

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