Chapter 4499 hands-on

It hurts a lot, beautiful Aiguuli, she must be very painful and painful. She must be hurt and hurt when the skull is broken. Silly girl, silly Ayiguly… Why do you want to do this, why should This **** thing to accompany his life.

She said that she will definitely flee, she will be with them to escape, silly Ayi Guli… Why not remember?

In the eyes of the reddish eyes, there was only the fallen Aeguli, and the moment when the **** was coming over, Sen Han’s eyes swept to the young boy.

It’s their ignorance and ignorance of a flower season girl! The young boy in front of him is one of the executioners!

Ayi Guli let Ye Jian rebel, she grabbed the imitation AK rifle that the boy had picked up with one hand, grabbed the **** and then forced herself to the side.

The boy did not expect that the hostages tied from the Chinese would resist, and did not realize that he had stepped into the dead door. He also shouted loudly. “Let your dirty hands go, let go…”

“You **** it!”

The sound of Ye Jian’s sound was sharp like a sharp knife, and he “snapped” into the other’s heart, making the ignorant boy feel a huge danger.

He subconsciously released the hand holding the gun, he wanted to escape…

There is never a chance to run away, there is no chance to talk anymore, and Ye Jian, who is attacking at lightning speed, hits his throat with his elbow.

Killing tricks, all killing tricks, close-up shots are all killing tricks.

Going to the road of no return, the young boy with blood on his hands left the last note in the world with only a scream of pain and horror.


He fell to his head, the same beautiful, but full of ignorant and fierce eyes, very big, he did not think that his life ended like this, completely ended without any preparation.

The scene was even more chaotic. No one thought that the hostages that were arrested would resist, and that the resistance was so fierce that they would not be wary at all.

They didn’t even find that the fallen Kaji Aji did not stumble, but died.

The battlefield changed rapidly, and it was impossible to go according to the plan. Before Ayi Guli did not swear, Ye Jian had some plans for his escape.

If she is taken alone like the girl who was sent out by her brother, she will start on the road;

If she is taken out by these people and is going to be executed directly, she will also be halfway through;

If the summer team came over, then she would meet outside and clean up all the lawless elements.

She has a lot of plans, if every one has a good escape plan.

However, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the plan can’t keep up with the sudden changes.

Ye Jan took the imitation AK rifle. Before leaving, Sen Han looked at the girl who had spoken to Ayi Guli. In the flashing flashlight, Ye Jian remembered her face.

She remembered it! Will definitely collect debts from her!

The girls of Jistan, who are holding Ayi Guli, mourn and cry, crying and talking, and the girls keep rubbing the blood that keeps flowing…

Ye Jian ran away. She grabbed a rifle and she ran like a dust storm at night.

“She ran, she ran, she stumbled Kaji Aji, and robbed his gun and ran!”

“Quickly chase! Don’t let her run!”

“Bring the gun in her hand! Fast!”

The extreme criminals in the country of Kyrgyzstan did not realize that the fallen Kaji Aji had already died. Ye Jian escaped too fast, so that they did not have time to pull up the Kaji Aji who fell to the ground. The direction is chasing.

Many of the previous chapters were blocked for some reason, and Qingyun had to repair all the texts. Xiuwen is a very painful and painful thing. These two days can make me a big fight.

Now that I have finally released it, I have the energy to update it.

Bless these chapters and don’t be blocked again. Otherwise, I have to fix it…

(End of this chapter)

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