Chapter 4503 runs

The “practitioners” who first went abroad to perform their duties had rubbed their shoulders with death several times last night. Despite a little experience, this time once again faced an overseas mission that is likely to be sacrificed. If the heart is completely nervous and not afraid, That is fake.

Tension and fear are the most normal reactions to danger. Anyone has no way to escape. All they have to do is to overcome tension and fear and complete each mission with the most fearless attitude.

The unsettled night is full of footsteps, indicating that this small village belonging to the territory of the Kingdom of Jistan is doomed to be unsettled.

The weavers and white cranes that were still being held also knew what was going on outside.

Sure enough, there was no guessing. The bluebird ran away and ran with five girls from the Kingdom of Giestang.

It’s okay to run alone, but it’s hard to run with five girls.

They have to go out to support the Jade Bird.

The white crane whispered his intentions to the middle-aged man in the Jistan country who helped them escape. At the same time, he also told his suspects.

The Gulistin man could be scared to the chest and screamed again and again. “No, no, how is it possible, are you suspecting wrong?”

Outside, there was a “plop” sound from someone falling to the ground. The weaving bird stepped tightly against the iron gate, raised its hand, and rhythmically knocked.

Ye Jianyi listened to the sound and immediately looked back.

Can be found to find a place!

The white crane said to the Jistan country man who would speak a little Chinese: “So, can they let the two lead us?”

Ye Jian, who got the response from his comrades, dragged the settled door whistle to the side. She didn’t delay the time without touching the key. She slammed the imitation rifle at the door and carried the rifle she had grabbed on her shoulder. The ready-to-eat rifle was shot at the iron gate with three shots, the bullet hit the iron lock, and the Mars splashed.

Anyway, it’s already chaotic. It’s better to be more chaotic. The villages are so big that they can escape with the help of the three of them.

The iron lock was shot down, and the iron gate was opened by Ye Jian, and the rifles that were grabbed were thrown inside.

“Be gentle, gentle, almost in the middle of the brain.”

The weaver that came out caught the black shadow on the face, but fortunately, I quickly reached out and grabbed it, otherwise I was shot.

The people who played the gun all day were shot and it was a bit shameful.

The villagers in the country of Jistan were shocked by the scene. A Chinese girl came with a gun. It was just so messy outside because it was because of the Chinese girl?

Too sudden, everyone is stunned.

The couple who have been huddled in the corner and cuddled with each other for their children have raised their heads as if they could not believe what happened.

The middle-aged man of Jistan, who speaks Mandarin, sees this and immediately screams at the four Chinese border herders who have been tied up: “Run, run! Run! Follow them!”

They can run now, hurry and run, run as far as possible, don’t look back.

At this time, the couple in the corner looked at each other and seemed to think of something like they slammed up and shouted loudly.

The two couples cried out what Ye Jian, the weavers did not understand, but the white crane knew that he and the middle-aged man of the Jistan State had secret eyes.

The couple cried and said that they wanted to leave together. They wanted to go out and find their children, begging for the weavers and they could take them away.

“Take it, bring it, and help them run faster.”

“Shamu Shaq can run with them faster, they can run together.”

(End of this chapter)

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