Chapter 4504

The pleading of the two couples made the other villagers feel soft. They felt that they could escape together. They even thought that if they were accidentally caught up, the Shamshak couple could stand up and block the atrocities outside.

At this point, the weavers and the white cranes are absolutely certain that their doubts are not wrong at all. The Shamshak couple have already betrayed.

The weaving bird is not clear about the situation. “They have problems, they are mixed and come against.”

“That’s on!”

It is said that Ye Jian has hardly made any consideration, directly to the white crane road: “Bring them, solve directly outside.”

Fortunately, I endured myself, did not immediately say that I rescued several girls from the Kingdom of Gystan.

“So cruel!” The weaver smiled and smiled at the same ferocious.

The white crane raised his eyebrows and cooperated with the bluebird every time… very happy.

The blue bird on the battlefield has no women’s sensibility, and some are rational, even more able to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages than the male soldiers.

It is a good idea to bring the husband and wife of Sha Musha!

The middle-aged man who spoke Mandarin in the country of Kyrgyzstan closed his eyes lightly and nodded.

If… If Sham Shaq is really a gang with the guys who kill the villagers and relatives outside, then… it’s impossible to leave them in the village.

No matter which country, the people who violated peace and tranquility, the people of any country are extremely hated, and the villagers of the country of Gistan also hate it.

Mrs. Shamu Shaq saw this, and a smile appeared in the blink of an eye. They invited others to escape and they refused.

“Come on, take them away, Sham Shak, please be sure to take them out of here! God will bless you and leave safely.”

The middle-aged man of the Gistan country who made the decision urged the five to leave quickly and reached out and pushed a few people out of the hut. “Follow them, don’t look back! We, there will be nothing!”

Those guys still need to stay in the village, so they won’t have anything to do, it will be safer to stay here.

The five people were pushed out of the hut, and the villagers of the village of Gistan remained tightly pulling each other and relied on each other’s strength to ease their tension.

“They will definitely leave, are they? God will bless them to leave safely, right.”

The kind woman whispered, holding her hands and praying.

“this way!”

In front, the Shamshak couples and cats led the way, and urged the three people to hurry up, and they did not go in the direction of the Chinese Tianshan.

The three people with strong sense of direction did not know the intentions of the two couples. They did not puncture and let the two lead.

Do not enter the tiger’s den, do you have a tiger? !

Since the Xia team had come over, they attacked from outside to inside. The three of them attacked from inside and out, and they fought and defended all the time.

The bullets in the imitation rifle have already been captained and ready to shoot.

The three men had no equipment other than a rifle in their hands, and they didn’t even have a bullet-proof vest. They all went to the enemy camp in a lonely way.

The two men and women of Shamu Shaq saw the three people honestly and tightly, and the pace was bigger and faster.

They have guns in their three hands, and the two of them do not have to be handed over to the leader.

In the seven turns and eight turns, Ye Jian suddenly saw a black road passing by his left side, and the speed of passing was very fast. There was no way to tell which comrade-in-arms he was.

(End of this chapter)

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