Chapter 4517 is like a sunny sun

He got up and walked a few steps and E6 suddenly sighed: “Do you say that the bluebird will be taken home by the comrades in our team as a wife? Which **** will have such a big blessing.”

“If the guys in our team take the bluebird, Mom, take turns to beat him!”

Z7 very seriously looked really say comrades, nodding solemnly echoed, “Yes, yes, it turns to beat him, who can not beat that time who is the grandson!”

As for the hit which “son of a bitch,” always love merry Z7 not say, afraid to go home when his wife Bluebird coax the guy to beat.

Strongly want to tell him, to provoke everyone, don’t provoke the summer family!

Xia Jinyuan has helped Ye Jian to handle the wound. When they just came out, they saw Z7 and E6 coming towards them.

The four men first fisted their fists, and Z7 smiled at Ye Jiandao: “Hijacking you, you have to say that it is the biggest mistake in their life, even if the roots are uprooted, the Xinjiang Special Police must thank you three.”

In the years since the military, in addition to the rescue of Zhou Yiyi, he was kidnapped. Ye Jian did not expect to be kidnapped one day, but they are also willing to be “kidnapped.”

“I didn’t think of it, it didn’t feel the same.” Ye Jian smiled and replied, in the light starlight, she was like the most excellent meticulous sketching, and all the paintings were beautiful, and the smiles were like a sunny sun. Half a bit after the war.

On the 26th, I whispered to my comrades around me: “The blue bird is very powerful. I used to fight with her. She was as calm as the veteran. I was a little scared. I saw that she was not afraid.”

“You mean that she has performed the same tasks as today with the veterans?” On the 25th, I quickly glanced at Ye Jian, whispering: “This is not very stipulated, she is still studying.” “”

“I don’t stipulate the rules. It’s not a violation of the regulations. If you look at her, look at the ten of us. If you do the same thing for the first time, you will see it at a glance.”

On the twenty-sixth analysis, he was the only one who cooperated with Ye Jian. The only one who saw Ye Jian’s attack on the enemy’s internship was closely related to him and made him believe in his own judgment.

“Look at the veteran’s attitude towards the Jade Bird and the way he talks. In fact, I can see the clue. We thought that the Jade Bird had just walked back to the back door and trained in the team. We actually thought wrong.”

“Blue Bird does not need to go to any back door, she is a member of the snow group, and the veteran is a comrade, killing the enemy together, training together.”

With the analysis of the twenty-sixth, the remaining trainers gradually became silent.

Silence for a few seconds, on the 18th: “The analysis on the 26th is correct. I also think that the Bluebird is simply a special soldier in the brigade. It is like walking the back door… With the ability of the Bluebird, it is not needed at all.”

“Q King, veterans are talking to each other, no one can compare the shooting skills of the bluebird, sniper technology, do you need to go backdoors at such a level?”

“Moreover, is it useful to walk the back door in the team? Who is willing to walk in the back door? It is not a place to be able to mix the days, sitting in the ranks of the ranks of the veterans, the ranks of the veterans are hard to fight back, those who want to mix the days to come back to our brigade? Is it too long?”

Before, most of the trainees had drilled the horns because of Ye Jian’s airborne, and they didn’t know Ye Jian, and they didn’t fight together. They couldn’t build a comrade-in-arms relationship. In the private, Zeng Yi’s Ye Jian was not behind the door. Snowy battalion.

(End of this chapter)

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