Chapter 4518 does not need

Nowadays, if you look at the fog, you can see the moon.


The Snowy Brigade is not a force that can rise to the ranks of the mixed-race days. It’s impossible to really want to get along with the back door.

It is impossible to mix in the longevity.

Since it is not the back door, then the Jade Bird and all of them rely on their own strength to enter the team, relying on strength to become a qualified special forces.

Vaguely heard the voices of several veterans, and looked up, they saw the veterans because of the height of the Jade Birds, and they all bowed slightly when they spoke, including their captains.

The inadvertent movements let them see the veteran’s tolerance for the bluebird, and there is a kind of admiration.

The green bird that the veterans admire, do you still need to go back the door?

Not needed at all!

When they came over and directly killed 30 people, they were all selected by the various units to come to the top soldiers. Does this Jade Bird still need to go back?

Not needed at all!

“It is much stronger than us, so we can get the admiration of the veterans. Look at us, even the fire is not too close, and she, just with us to lift the body, the action is more profitable than us, so the psychological The quality is also much stronger than ours.”

“Don’t say that the bluebird walks behind the door, it’s a shame.”

After the completion of the twenty-sixth, several of the trainers who were looking forward to the division were silent.

The night at the border was quiet and quiet. It was quiet to hear the sigh of the comrades around, and the veterans recognized that the trainers were sitting quietly, while others were lying flat. Although their faces were relaxed, the depths of the scorpion were still faint. There is deep emotion after the war.

The first time I killed the enemy, the first time my hands were bleeding, the first time I saw someone falling down beside me, the first time I stepped on the **** ground, the first time I faced death… I brought them to my first time. Countless feelings.

The leaf Jane who sat down looked at them and seemed to see himself.

A sigh, the veterans who smelled the smell of light iodine on their bodies: “Now they are a bit like me, but I don’t know how many times I am.”

“The first time I faced death, I was very calm and didn’t think much, but I had to do a few nights of nightmare, and then slowly slowed down.”

In the end, it was a systematic training of special forces. When she was studying and training, she was a little embarrassed.

And now they are silent, but they are not confused, because they know exactly what they are doing.

Z7 looked at the distance and sat down. Only the trainers who were exposed to the faint fire did not agree with Ye Jian. “You were very powerful in the past, and we all shocked us when we first appeared.”

“Yes, my first cooperation with you was in Tongzhou. At that time, I was still thinking that you couldn’t make it. Don’t get into it at the time. It turns out that I am wrong. It’s too big. I am going to let my chin go.” A few want to be shocked.”

Bai He recalled that when he first cooperated, he still remembers it. “I told the pigeons a few after they came back. They still don’t believe it, I thought I made a story to tease them.”

When it comes to cooperation with Ye Jian for the first time, there are ten words of veterans who can’t finish it. Now the trainers are on the alert, they sit and talk, and it feels quite good.

Xia Jinyuan reported the news of their return to China. When they came to see the veterans, they chatted around their girlfriends, and took a big step and walked over to sit down and chat.

About half an hour off, Xia Jinyin took the lead to get up, and the cold voice came from the military, “collect.”

(End of this chapter)

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